that is karma as well..
smh at thinking karma is some simpleton,fortune cookie,Russell&Joesph Simmons bathtub parabull and shyt..
sacred mathematics&sacred G-eometry,quite literally spiritual&mental rocket'shallah
Could you imagine if we were taught Sacred Geometry in school? Alchemy? Hermetics? Scrying? Reiki? Astral Projection?
This world could be very similar to a Harry Potter type world had it chose to advance spiritually if you think about it...
Notice how the system now is designed to "educate" you chasing an end goal your entire life (more & more degrees)... they believe a world full of thinkers is too dangerous...
This will become the most powerful thread on thecoli.
Seems like the exact opposite happens for me
but it will be ignored.
i been on the universal and spiritual tip for a few years now but i find that if i try to explain it to people they look at me like im crazy. so i just keep my secrets to myself.
a little of my story..
i was always a depressed, angry, hateful fat kid with 0 friends and who drew 0 attention from females.
i literally hated myself and didn't care if i died.
through some friends, i was able to draw myself out of that, but it was temporary and fragile. After a few years i met a female that i was in love with and the relationship fell apart and turned my life upside down.
After her, i somehow found my way (or maybe the universe led me) to the way of the peaceful warrior by dan millman.
as soon as i started trying to apply that stuff, my life literally changed. people think i changed because i lost weight, but i lost weight because i changed my view on the world.
karma is real brehs.
What's the top picture of? I am starting to realize how important your diet is to this stuff too. That might be a huge reason why people are mentally blocked off from this stuff.
What's the top picture of? I am starting to realize how important your diet is to this stuff too. That might be a huge reason why people are mentally blocked off from this stuff.
That's impossible. Corn can only produce corn , nettles can only produce nettles.
Powerful. Coming from the enviorment im from I always dealt with Intrapsychic conflicts. There has always been a battle being waged inside me between good and evil. Every male in my family has been to jail or prison at some point. I was the first to graduate college and deprogram myself from that mentality. After a series of traumatic and unexpected deaths I picked up the Autobiography of Malcolm X--this altered by consciousness for the better and I began reading alot. A couple of years ago I read "As a man thinketh" and here we are. The law of attraction for me is not about material manifestation , its about creating the ideal me and controlling my thoughts.
And yes , Karma is very real. You ever did a lil dirt it came back a lil worse?
I remember when I first started driving I tried to park my car and slightly rubbed the vehicle next to me. I thought I was slick and drove away not saying shyt. About a month later my car was parked downtown and somebody sideswiped it while I was in a restaurant..The door was smashed and the mirror knocked off.
Do you think some people use this shyt for "evil" tho? Like Alesiter Crowley was a pretty fukked up even tho I think alot of it was for his image and at end of the day he's just a little boy with mommy issues.It's the infinite symbol from a different angle... it exists in everything...
"As Above, So Below."
"As Above, So Below."
"As Above, So Below."
"As Above, So Below."
"As Above, So Below."
"As Above, So Below."
"As Above, So Below."
"As Above, So Below."
"As above...
"... So Below."
We have an AMAZING creator...![]()
a few months later i gave a dollar to a homeless lady. as i kept walking i looked in my pockets to see how much cash i had because i was running low. realized i gave her $100 by mistake. right away i remembered the phone.
the universe decided to put me right back in the position where i needed money, even though i was doing something positive by helping the homeless lady out.
i just chuckled and took my L and kept it moving.