The uncomfortable moment when Noam Chomsky gives 9/11 twoofers 7 minutes of ether


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
HoopDreams94 said:
no surprise ppl have nothing to say on this

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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
once again your reading comprehension has failed.
You need to stop making, bumbling, convoluted, poorly-reasoned assertions then telling people they don't have reading comprehension because they responded as a reasonable person would to them.

my stance in the post you quoted was that the suspicious behavior of the US government in regards to the 9/11 investigation left the door open for all these so-called conspiracies.

And as I stated, this is illogical stupidity. There is nothing suspicious about a government attempting to stymy parts of an investigation into a fukk up, even a fukk up on a scale exponentially smaller than 9/11.

Jobs, reputations, political capital, legacies, and future aspirations are on the line, and when you open that pandora's box all types of things come out that may not even be related to the scandal in question directly. So any time there is a investigation into ANYTHING the government did or failed to do, there will be enormous push-back from the government. That doesn't mean there's some nefarious conspiracy under the surface.

You are labeling the stonewall around the 9/11 Commission "suspicious" and talking about how it raises "red flags." If you applied reading comprehension, you would've seen I was saying you're making an illogical leap from the government tries to coverup parts of an investigation --------> CONSPIRACY! when there's a lot simpler, more logical explanation for it. Occam's razor.

i didn't even name the conspiracies nor did i take a position in regards to such conspiracies. you're making false assumptions as per the usual.

You don't take a position on anything. You just make up a generalized premise, such as "the government is evil and were somehow complicit in 9/11." Then type paragraphs about everyone who doesn't reflect your paranoia is brainwashed by government propaganda. You offer no facts, no specifics, no well-reasoned arguments...nothing

read carefully:
my position is this... i think the govt knew about the attacks beforehand (already established as fact) and allowed it to happen in order to capitalize on the aftermath (my speculation)... and capitalize they did.
:what: That's not established fact that the government knew about the attacks beforehand. What are you talking about? Proof?

It is true that the intelligence community was getting increased data that an Al Qaeda attack was on the horizon in the preceding months. I already gave my take on this earlier in the thread when responding to TUH. I can't even rule out the notion that they knew an attack was imminent and purposely ignored it, though I highly doubt that. But it certainly isn't established fact... just conjecture on your part.

im unsure about the whole controlled demolition aspect, although from the evidence presented this theory seems much more applicable to building 7 than the twin towers.

It's not applicable to either.

but i do think it's suspicious that all three buildings fell in a way that mimic controlled demolitions. i would be interested to research prior cases in history where buildings fell naturally, for whatever reason, in a way that closely resembles controlled demolitions. i would bet there aren't many, but yet three such cases happened on 9/11.
Lol..."fell like controlled demolitions" as opposed to what? Lol@skyscrapers "falling naturally." Where they do that at?

The fact is this is the only time jet-fuel packed large commercial planes were ever flown full-speed into fully-furnished skyscrapers, and unless you were able to set up controlled experiments where you do just that multiple times and record the data, all this half ass youtube physicist speculation is just paranoid biased attempts to contort facts to fit into conspiratorial evil government narrative.

m also taking into account this is the BUSH ADMINISTRATION we're talking about here...probably the biggest government criminal organization the US has ever seen. they are known liars, deceivers, murderers, and exploiters... so there's plenty of motive and plenty of opportunity in that regard.

EVER seen? :comeon: The Bush administration was more evil than say Andrew Jackson and his Indian removal policy? Are you forgetting that we had slavery for the first 90 years of this country's existence as an independent nation?

I hate the Bush administration, but they were just a shytty, incompetent, greedy administration with a lying, paternalistic, arrogant, imperialistic foreign policy that ended up being wholly discredited. They're not some comic book supervillains like the Legion of Doom.

other than that, im in a state of suspended judgement until i have more concrete information. i havent read the 9/11 commission report, or the follow up book by the committee, or analyzed all the evidence, etc., and frankly neither have yall. the difference is the psuedo skeptic crew has taken a firm stance on all these issues, and it just so happens you all believe everything the government is telling you in regards to 9/11.

I don't believe everything the government is telling me regarding 9/1. I just don't believe it was a government conspiracy.

You're proving the flaw in your logic, I highlighted by posting the Chomsky video. He doesn't believe 9/11 was a conspiracy either and scoffs at the notion. Are you going to say Chomsky believes everything the government is telling him? His whole political career is based around exposing lies and propaganda from government. That's why a man like that shytting on your conspiracies puts you between a rock and a hard place. Have you considered that this has nothing to do with trusting government and you conspiracy dudes are just goofy, illogical, and wrong?
so if you're going to address me, address these specific points, and leave your assumptions out of it.

You have to make specific points first before they can be addressed.



Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
I destroyed dude's mind so much he's using phrases I used on him on other people now........:laff::laff::laff:

Still typing giant walls-of-text that mean absolutely NOTHING with NO evidence.

Freakin' moronic lying retard.

He's a living meme.​
Jun 24, 2012
YOU sure would.....:umad:

And I'm not gonna take anyone seriously if they believe it wasn't possible for people on the flights to make cell phone that quack Chossudovsky.​

Wow the man has better credentials and can break down things critically in his articles and books. What do you have? Oh that's right.... a troll opinion and bragging rights to killing people. Most likely those people were herders and farmers....:deadhorse: