Well, you're wrong. The flares are falling on parachutes and providing heat under the parachute on top of that, which means they function in some sense like a mini hot-air balloon and can stay in the air for extremely long times depending on conditions. This comes from the EPA's website on flares:
"Ground illumination flares, are designed to descend by parachute and provide up to 30 minutes of illumination of ground targets or activities. Typical flares are the LUU-1, LLU-5, and LLU-2B. A typical LLU-2B sectional is shown below."
Now that your assumption of "fact" turned out to be wrong, can you change your conclusion?
The news organization talked to 50 people, or talked to one or two? They were experienced marines and ruled out flares for specific, demonstrable reasons, or they were newbies who knew little more about flares than you or I do? Everyone in the group thought it was a UFO, or just a few guys, or are they even goofing on the media? When you get the information 2nd or 3rd hand like this, the lack of such basic information devalues the observation.
We have the photos, and we don't have any indication there was real evidence besides those photos. And the photos look
exactly like the flares.
The "enhanced photos" do not show a craft, they just show an artifact of the illumination of the surrounding air that gets distorted by the enhancement process. You can see the same artifact in the flares video from the military - the sky directly around the flares is a different color than the sky further away, and with a low-quality picture artificially enhanced, it gives the false illusion of a shape.
Same number, same configuration, mostly the same spacing (just photos take from opposite sides and a slightly different angle), same flare trails above the lights, same illumination of the surrounding air...it's the same fukking thing. Just one of them is a low-quality photo and the other is a higher-quality night vision image.
It's not like I found a random flares photo to match. This is the EXACT flare drop that occurred that very night. If you can't accept that these two sets of lights in the exact sme place at the exact same time on the exact same day in the exact same configuration are the same thing, then how will you take any evidence objectively?