The UFO/UAP disclosure thread

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Do you realize that your 2nd and 3rd sentences don't support your 1st sentence in any way?

I'm pretty damn sure tigers exist too, that doesn't mean the housecat in your backyard is a tiger. You need to do better than that.

We will know soon enough.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
We will know soon enough.
We will? So if y'all go X years without any meaningful evidence you'll throw in the towell? :sas1:

I mean for me, any clear demonstration of sustained contact/communication would change the entire picture. Even a good picture/video that showed something clearly non-terrestrial combined with unrelated and reliable eyewitnesses would at least put me on the fence between the options. But is there anything whatsoever that would convince you you're wrong?

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team

60 minutes story on uap that just aired tonight. shyt ain’t a game people.

Let that sink in folks. 60 fukking minutes, one of the most credible and watched news programs around did a credible broadcast on UFO’s and confirms that the United States government considers it real, has a taskforce studying it and will have a report in June. On top of the that the inspector general now has an active investigation in all major departments on why information was withheld. I repeat shyt ain’t a game people.
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Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
We will? So if y'all go X years without any meaningful evidence you'll throw in the towell? :sas1:

I mean for me, any clear demonstration of sustained contact/communication would change the entire picture. Even a good picture/video that showed something clearly non-terrestrial combined with unrelated and reliable eyewitnesses would at least put me on the fence between the options. But is there anything whatsoever that would convince you you're wrong?

I cannot give you a time and to be honest it doesn't matter if disclosure ever happens or not.
I know what I've seen and am convinced there is something out there. 10 years ago I would have laughed at people who claim they saw UFOs and had close encounters too. And for what its worth i believe a vast number of these people are not lying. These phenomena is real and currently outside our paradigm of understanding reality.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Let that sink in folks. 60 fukking minutes, one of the most credible and watched news programs around did a credible broadcast on UFO’s and confirms that the United States government considers it real, has a taskforce studying it and will have a report in June. On top of the that the inspector general now has an active investigation in all major departments on why information was withheld. I repeat shyt ain’t a game people.
US government has acknowledged UAP/UFOs for 70+ years, you know Project Blue Book, right? :gucci:

And the media has always been excited to report the latest wild allegations, cause it gets viewers.

The Media Is Not Very Good at Responsibly Reporting on UFOs

All the new noise is mostly a function of Delonge running an intense publicity campaign together with a well-off UFO buff making the right donation to Harry Reid.

A bizarre effort to find UFOs involved Harry Reid and the lead singer of Blink-182

Five Reasons to Be Skeptical about that New York Times UFO Story

The Truth about Those "Alien Alloys" in The New York Times UFO Story

The Media Loves This UFO Expert Who Says He Worked for an Obscure Pentagon Program. Did He?

I cannot give you a time and to be honest it doesn't matter if disclosure ever happens or not.
I know what I've seen and am convinced there is something out there. 10 years ago I would have laughed at people who claim they saw UFOs and had close encounters too. And for what its worth i believe a vast number of these people are not lying. These phenomena is real and currently outside our paradigm of understanding reality.
Literally millions of people believe the 2020 election was rigged and when you ask for proof they say "I know what I've seen." And I'm SURE they believe it too. The ability of people to be confused about what they've seen is legendary.

Even if you think you are the perfect observer, why assume whatever you saw is aliens? How do you know it's not just advanced US technology? Or foreign technology? Or supernatural spirits? Or human visitors from the future? You have no reason to choose "aliens" over all those other options besides your own assumptions. Nor has there been a compelling reason to choose any of those options over natural explanations including typical eyewitness confusion and optics glitches.

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
US government has acknowledged UAP/UFOs for 70+ years, you know Project Blue Book, right? :gucci:

And the media has always been excited to report the latest wild allegations, cause it gets viewers.

The Media Is Not Very Good at Responsibly Reporting on UFOs

All the new noise is mostly a function of Delonge running an intense publicity campaign together with a well-off UFO buff making the right donation to Harry Reid.

A bizarre effort to find UFOs involved Harry Reid and the lead singer of Blink-182

Five Reasons to Be Skeptical about that New York Times UFO Story

The Truth about Those "Alien Alloys" in The New York Times UFO Story

The Media Loves This UFO Expert Who Says He Worked for an Obscure Pentagon Program. Did He?

Literally millions of people believe the 2020 election was rigged and when you ask for proof they say "I know what I've seen." And I'm SURE they believe it too. The ability of people to be confused about what they've seen is legendary.

Even if you think you are the perfect observer, why assume whatever you saw is aliens? How do you know it's not just advanced US technology? Or foreign technology? Or supernatural spirits? Or human visitors from the future? You have no reason to choose "aliens" over all those other options besides your own assumptions. Nor has there been a compelling reason to choose any of those options over natural explanations including typical eyewitness confusion and optics glitches.

I agree with most of the points you're making. Nothing wrong with being a skeptic.
I am not totally convinced that they're aliens either. I don't know what they are or if whatever it is can be classified as a "they" either. I just know the effect it had on me.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I agree with most of the points you're making. Nothing wrong with being a skeptic.
I am not totally convinced that they're aliens either. I don't know what they are or if whatever it is can be classified as a "they" either. I just know the effect it had on me.
I think that's fair. I have friends who deeply believe they've seen UFOs too.

Agent Mulder

Fight The Future
May 26, 2012
First, I grew up believing and watching lots of documentaries and reading books on UFO’s etc. By the time I was in High school I totally stopped believing but always kept an open mind and read stories and reports etc. 2000s saw soooo many fake bogus stupid UFO videos on the internet. Turned me off even more.

I don’t know what’s happening - but something is happening. These sighting are either gonna turn out to be hi-tech secret military craft or unexplained UFO/UAP. This is not camera glitches - there’s always eye-witnesses of what’s being recorded- makes no sense for it to be camera glitches.

Idk if it’s aliens - I highly doubt it will be. But there’s definitely something to be said about the pentagon/military releasing and acknowledging these clips and claiming not to know their origin. And this is just the beginning - I believe we’ll start to see a lot more videos and statements.

If it’s really UFO’s amongst us they won’t outright say it - would cause mass hysteria. Would have to be a slow leak of information - like this.

JJ Lions

All Star
Jun 17, 2012
Just need to shoot one down, crash, something, get a real look. Only way to know for sure
Jul 26, 2015
US government has acknowledged UAP/UFOs for 70+ years, you know Project Blue Book, right? :gucci:

And the media has always been excited to report the latest wild allegations, cause it gets viewers.

The Media Is Not Very Good at Responsibly Reporting on UFOs

All the new noise is mostly a function of Delonge running an intense publicity campaign together with a well-off UFO buff making the right donation to Harry Reid.

A bizarre effort to find UFOs involved Harry Reid and the lead singer of Blink-182

Five Reasons to Be Skeptical about that New York Times UFO Story

The Truth about Those "Alien Alloys" in The New York Times UFO Story

The Media Loves This UFO Expert Who Says He Worked for an Obscure Pentagon Program. Did He?

Literally millions of people believe the 2020 election was rigged and when you ask for proof they say "I know what I've seen." And I'm SURE they believe it too. The ability of people to be confused about what they've seen is legendary.

Even if you think you are the perfect observer, why assume whatever you saw is aliens? How do you know it's not just advanced US technology? Or foreign technology? Or supernatural spirits? Or human visitors from the future? You have no reason to choose "aliens" over all those other options besides your own assumptions. Nor has there been a compelling reason to choose any of those options over natural explanations including typical eyewitness confusion and optics glitches.

If anyone actually watched the 60 Minutes segment, they'd see that it falls exactly into what you're suggesting. And it's a shame because I expect better from 60 Minutes, but I've pretty much given up on mainstream TV journalism and "journalists" anyway.

60 Minutes does do SOME good, even great reporting at times, but the bottom line is still their bottom line. All that was missing in that segment was the X-files theme music.

Bill Whitaker treated the whole thing as a joke. As a reporter, why would you find it necessary to keep repeating to the person you're interviewing "You know that makes you sound crazy, right?" Like goddamn, have some standard of respect for the subject matter and stop giving us your fukking opinion. YOU'RE NOT THE STORY. It ain't about you. He also got dates, locations, and events wrong in the segment that I knew because I been following AATIP and it's newer incarnation since the 2017 NY Times story first broke. All that leads me to believe that their primary concern was in making the segment easily digestible and fluffy for viewers......i.e. giving people something entertaining to watch instead of actually informing them on something they believed had legitimate ramifications for the public.

And I don't get why people take it so personal when we have to remind them how science works and where the burden of proof resides. "UNKNOWN" doesn't give you carte blanche freedom to decide for yourself what something is. And using the enormity of the universe as an excuse to remove limits on that burden doesn't fly either, no pun intended. Yes, there are trillions upon quadrillions of stars and planets in our local galaxy clusters alone, let alone the known universe. I personally think you're either uneducated or an idiot to not believe intelligent life doesn't exist elsewhere outside of Earth.

But so fukking what? That has NOTHING to do with a person therefore deciding, "yup, its aliens" everytime they see something they don't understand.
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