The UFO/UAP disclosure thread

85 East

DJ D'eeznuts
May 21, 2012
If it turns out these are all man made, and not made by the US army, or R&D people, its game over. Its an immediate power change. Absolute game changer. I'm curious how this plays out. Admit its off planet tech and lose your religious fanatics and possibly cause hysteria. Admit its China and people will scream for war.


Rhyme Reason
May 11, 2012
got a call for three nines
You're obviously making a poor attempt at being facetious. People are sharing real information in here. Why disrespect the thread? If you think it's all nonsense, ignore it and don't engage.
Wait what??? You think the average person is going to see a new state of the art stealth bomber and be able to identify it? In day, night, inclement weather? Keep an open mind please


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
Man, at least argue inside the confines of the current paradigm that we find ourselves, like @El Negro Suave said. These cases are accounted for. No one is debating the cases that have an explanation where someone saw a military craft or something.

The UAP issue now is the military and government saying “most cases of sightings are explainable, but not all; there are cases that are not explainable. It’s not our aircraft. We are concerned.” These are highly trained fighter pilots and naval radar technicians reporting these unexplained cases too, and not random untrained people on the ground like me.

At the very least, post pics of drones from China or Russia. That would at least be arguing from the landscape of where we find ourselves in 2021. As unserious as you find the topic, it’s a serious thread about a serious issue. It’s not stupid that this is in Higher Learning.

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
If these are indeed 'other worldy', it would make sense that the being operating these craft are able to manipulate time in some way. The descriptions of these crafts seem to be consistent across time. The 'tic tac' UFO that Zamora saw in 1964 is very similar to the craft Cmdr. David Fravor saw. Perhaps these beings are able to interact with human beings at different time periods. Just an idea.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
Wait what??? You think the average person is going to see a new state of the art stealth bomber and be able to identify it? In day, night, inclement weather? Keep an open mind please
This is a straw man. There is no serious debate about cases of people misidentifying the government’s experimental aircraft. People of course mis-ID that stuff all the time. That’s not what the issue is.

The debate here is the cases where the Pentagon has researched and cannot find an answer as to what aerial vehicles they are seeing; our experimental aircraft have been ruled out as options in these cases.

The cases that can be explained away by stealth bombers, drones, and weather balloons aren’t up for debate. Those have explanations and they aren’t what anyone in the government or military is debating over anymore.

That ship sailed. We are beyond the point of whether or not UFOs/UAPs are real or not. They’re real and they aren’t United States tech. The question is whether or not they are foreign military tech, private sector tech, or tech from somewhere else.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Your post does a great job of illustrating the increasingly diverse design of drones and various aircraft known to man. However, it doesn't convey the "technology" that UAP have displayed. I can assure you none of the craft shown in those pictures come close to mimicking the maneuvers described by credible witnesses in which these crafts defy the known laws of physics and any other scientific discipline you can reference.
Yet I'm still waiting for clear evidence of supposedly impossible maneuvers. Still waiting for someone to post the video that clearly shows a craft doing something that known craft can't do.

If it turns out these are all man made, and not made by the US army, or R&D people, its game over. Its an immediate power change. Absolute game changer. I'm curious how this plays out. Admit its off planet tech and lose your religious fanatics and possibly cause hysteria. Admit its China and people will scream for war.
Can you show definitive evidence of any craft that would be an "immediate power change absolute game changer"? Can you show a single video that can't be explained by fairly regular craft?

You're right. tic tac ufos have been witnessed for a long time. Most notable case is the Zamora case.
If these are indeed 'other worldy', it would make sense that the being operating these craft are able to manipulate time in some way. The descriptions of these crafts seem to be consistent across time. The 'tic tac' UFO that Zamora saw in 1964 is very similar to the craft Cmdr. David Fravor saw. Perhaps these beings are able to interact with human beings at different time periods. Just an idea.
Zamora described his UFO as being shaped "like a balloon" or "like the letter O" and said it was shooting flames. It's a gigantic stretch to them claim that it is now the equivalent to a propulsionless tic tac. I mean, the very idea that it was shooting out flames to take off is a huge red flag - that's something that would be expected in 1964 but seem almost quaint in 2021 for aliens supposedly 1000 years ahead of us.

And I'm not sure what being "otherworldly" has to do with the ability to manipulate time. Skipping back to an earlier time period is not just human-impossible, it's impossible-impossible. So long as we're claiming reverse time travel then we might as well stop pretending this is a logic-driven thread.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
This is a straw man. There is no serious debate about cases of people misidentifying our governments experimental aircraft. The debate is over the cases where the Pentagon has researched and cannot find an answer as to what aerial vehicles they are seeing.
While I agree that some of these sightings are likely not our own craft....The government has explicitly admitted to lying and claiming that UFO sightings weren't our own craft when they knew that they were actually our own craft.

C.I.A. Admits Government Lied About U.F.O. Sightings (Published 1997)

If the government has clearly lied on this issue before, why do you believe them so wholeheartedly now?


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
While I agree that some of these sightings are likely not our own craft....The government has explicitly admitted to lying and claiming that UFO sightings weren't our own craft when they knew that they were actually our own craft.

C.I.A. Admits Government Lied About U.F.O. Sightings (Published 1997)

If the government has clearly lied on this issue before, why do you believe them so wholeheartedly now?
The government had a history of lying about these things from a Cold War era where they didn’t want to spook people and freak them out. Government institutions move at a crawling pace, and it can take decades for attitudes to change. I don’t believe everything the government says but I’m not a conspiracy theorist.

From what I understand, the emphasis on the fact that we don’t have air superiority in our own airspace has taken priority over feeding people bullshyt about it. It’s not a game that we aren’t the most powerful people in our own airspace, and I think that rightfully has people in the government concerned.

Whether these things are Chinese, Russian, private sector, or something extraordinary, it’s not great to be at the mercy of whether these aircraft want to play nice or not. The Nimitz tic-tac jammed the radar, which is technically an act of war.

You’re clearly very smart. You should get this. It’s a different era. Can you seriously not feel that there’s a change in attitude? People that never would’ve given this topic half a serious glance are now talking about it. Organizations that never had any interest before (like NASA) suddenly do. Pilots are being encouraged to report sightings to remove the stigma of this topic. Less news reports are snickering when they talk about it. There’s very clearly shyt going on that we don’t understand, and there’s legitimate interest in figuring it out.

Whether you like it or not, this topic will be taken with increased seriousness as the months and years go on.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
And it seems to me to be far too big a coincidence that the history of these kinds of sightings seems to almost perfectly match the time period that we started putting a bunch of planes up in the air, even though most of the sightings could have been made just as easily from the ground. Foo Fighters appear the moment pilots start flying in stormy weather and can view atmospheric conditions from the air. Flying saucers appear when humans start putting a bunch of objects in the sky and popular culture starts broadcasting flying saucers on TV. Black Triangles appear when triangle shaped stealth planes start making secret flights and jets start flying in formation at night. Tic Tacs appear when drones start getting built and new imaging systems result in new (but blurred) data getting picked up.

I don’t think that’s a coincidence at all. It seems logical to me. More eyes in the sky = seeing more things (birds, balloons, other plans, etc) in the sky.

How is that weird?

Most people on the ground don’t look up in the sky all the time. People in the sky are always looking in the sky, or at the ground (where there’s a lot of air/space).

I’d never assume more people on the ground would see as many weird things in the sky as pilots, but that’s just me. And BTW tic tacs have been reported the entire time. That’s nothing new.

I’ll respond to the rest of your post but I’m just on a phone right now and I don’t want you to think I’m trying to avoid conversing with you fully here.

By the way I really wish you could understand that most of the people in here like myself aren’t fukking looney tunes. I’m not into conspiracy theories. This is my first time ever posting in a UFO thread online. I had that one experience, sure, but whatever. Life goes on. I never claimed I saw ET man.

I got interested in this topic last year during covid when my friend that’s an epidemiologist had his curiosity sparked over it, and sent me some links to the Nimitz Encounter.

I’m not making any wild claims here. I’m only stating what our own people are telling us, and I’m curious. Is that so frustrating? And if so, why?

@Rhakim i swear when this thread blows up that I’m going to be one of the least annoying cats in it. The true quacks are going to flock here eventually.
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B. Pumpaveli

All Star
Feb 3, 2015

This reddit thread is wild

1:07:50 The universe is teeming with life and there are humans on other planets (aligns with Elizondo's statements about "mankinds" being plural, which he doubled down on in two podcasts), these forms of life are at different levels of intelligence and some of these humans are vastly more advanced than us and some are at our level or less advanced. He says there are inorganic beings (the declassified CIA document that includes the existence of "non corporeal energy beings" comes to mind). He states there are bands of light with odd properties that mimic life. He brings up another example of beings similar to amoebas that suck up energy which can range in size from a car to a large planet.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
This reddit thread is wild

Some of y'all need to come get your mans. :laff:

Lue is asked about "Chains of the Sea" and says there have been species and 'existences' on this planet which have come and gone before us. He then says there aren't neat definitions as to what life is and nature doesn't always conform to human expectations. Lue says that quantum models are starting to be found as accurate on both the small and macro levels. The universe has blueprints that are consistent. He gives the example of fractals that are found throughout nature and the rest of the universe, from the minute pathways of our neurons to patterns within galaxies. He states "These patterns are deliberate and significant".
What seems random and disparate at the micro level is actually quite orderly and isn't random after all. There is symmetry and order within the chaos and noise.
Lue says there has been a deliberate implementation of disclosure, that it isn't instant gratification and it's a process.
The interviewer says that people have been so worn out with covid, that when the Pentagon says there's aliens the people have been so desensitized that there is no mass panic and it seems like perfect timing. Lue agrees.
he extrapolates on his other interview where he said there are other beings that can experience more of the "past/present/future" relative to us. He says here that there are other realities where time can be experienced in a three dimensional manner. he gives an example where his spacetime is more flexible. This theory was presented to explain remote viewing, human psychic abilities, human precognition of events.
the brain is affected by quantum entanglement. there are quantum processes occuring in the human consciousness. in our brains we can experience time in a different way at certain points relative to others.
Lue is asked if communication has been established with the beings that are operating the UAPs. Lue's statements and body language appear to say 100% "yes" and say Hal Puthoff, Eric Davis, Hal Puthoff should be asked this instead.
Interviewer asks Lue what a being piloting a craft would look like. Lue says there are psychological and physiological blueprints that are found throughout the universe that would also apply to other lifeforms. He gives the example of radial symmetry.
Lue says he gave briefings to senior officials and eventually they started thinking" yeah it's real and yeah we're taking this seriously" - so they are taking it seriously (obviously) behind the scenes
n 2000 Roberto Pinotti published material regarding the so-called "Fascist UFO Files", which dealt with a flying saucer that had crashed near Milan in 1933 (some 14 years before the Roswell, New Mexico crash), and of the subsequent investigation by a never mentioned before Cabinet RS/33, that allegedly was authorized by Benito Mussolini, and headed by the Nobel scientist Guglielmo Marconi. A spaceship was allegedly stored in a hangar in Vergiate.

the Italian UFO bodies were of Nordic appearance, unlike the Roswell crash. Pinotti speculates Italy is a UFO hotspot because its geographic position in the center of the Mediterranean allows it to be a strategic point militarily.
General Marshall stated that after the battle of Los Angeles, two UFOs were crashed and recovered. The Navy recovered one craft at sea and another was recovered in the San Bernardino Mountain range.
its pointed out that in many abduction stories there are different species on the ship, with someone dressed in military clothing present (a military affiliated human).
The universe is teeming with life and there are humans on other planets (aligns with Elizondo's statements about "mankinds" being plural, which he doubled down on in two podcasts), these forms of life are at different levels of intelligence and some of these humans are vastly more advanced than us and some are at our level or less advanced. He says there are inorganic beings (the declassified CIA document that includes the existence of "non corporeal energy beings" comes to mind). He states there are bands of light with odd properties that mimic life. He brings up another example of beings similar to amoebas that suck up energy which can range in size from a car to a large planet.
Delonge says these ETs have deliberately fractioned mankind using these religions throughout history.

I don't even know where to begin. :gucci:

* First off, once again Elizondo and Delonge making MASSIVE yet completely cryptic claims, and once again supplying zero evidence.

* Not only claiming knowledge of events across the world, but also claiming to have deeper knowledge of physics than any physicist and deeper knowledge of human psychology than any neuroscientist

* Somehow, the same guy who wrote a resignation letter just 5 years ago complaining that the government wasn't taking UFOs seriously is also implying that the government has communicated with UFO occupants and recovered bodies and that alien spacecraft have military liaisons on them

* WFT does he get all this extremely detailed biological and social knowledge of "aliens" from? "Humans" on other planets, living bands of light, non-corporeal energy beings, car-sized amoebas? Where would you even BEGIN to get that knowledge?

* "species and 'existences' on this planet which have come and gone before us"? WTF is he talking about and where did he get this knowledge? Quantum, fractals, "these patterns are deliberate" is he going into some intelligent design stuff or what?

* Nordic aliens :laff:

* "Battle of Los Angeles" :laff:

There are three options:

#1. To The Stars, despite having being a struggling entertainment/media company for several years that focuses on producing cheesy cable shows, is actually run by the two most knowledgeable people on the planet who know more about physics, psychology, and history than all scientists and historians combined....but don't have the slightest interest in sharing the actual details with anyone.

#2. To The Stars is run by goofy quacks who just say shyt without having a fukking clue what they are talking about.

#3. To The Stars is a grift

Which is it? :jbhmm:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I don’t think that’s a coincidence at all. It seems logical to me. More eyes in the sky = seeing more things (birds, balloons, other plans, etc) in the sky.
I'm talking about ground-based observations. Before the 1930s and 1940s when planes started becoming common, reports of UFOs were relatively rare. The vast majority of the major sightings (that aren't connected to obvious phenomena like comets and meteor showers), were viewed by people on the ground yet just happened to come after human craft started flying up there.

Most people on the ground don’t look up in the sky all the time. People in the sky are always looking in the sky, or at the ground (where there’s a lot of air/space).

I’d never assume more people on the ground would see as many weird things in the sky as pilots, but that’s just me.
I'm not comparing people on the ground now to pilots. I'm comparing people on the ground now to people on the ground before planes became common. If anything there should have been a lot MORE people noticing and reporting UFOs back then, because seeing anything at all in the sky like that would be fukking weird. Yet the wave of UFO sightings clearly began almost the exact same time that jets and other craft became common.

@Rhakim i swear when this thread blows up that I’m going to be one of the least annoying cats in it. The true quacks are going to flock here eventually.
Yo look at the very next comment after yours, I think you summoned that shyt into existence. :skip:


All Star
May 10, 2012
Wait what??? You think the average person is going to see a new state of the art stealth bomber and be able to identify it? In day, night, inclement weather? Keep an open mind please
Stealth bombers especially the B-52 during there initial testing were always mistaken for UFOs..But that doesn’t discount people’s experiences. I know what I saw was real and it wasn’t a plane train or automobile.. there is a real phenomena going on and people are seeing something..again I know what I saw with multiple people and wasn’t at night.... and I wouldn’t even believe it if I didn’t see it with my own two your skepticism is valid but until you see that shyt with your own two’ll believe what you want.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
Some of y'all need to come get your mans. :laff:

I don't even know where to begin. :gucci:

* First off, once again Elizondo and Delonge making MASSIVE yet completely cryptic claims, and once again supplying zero evidence.

* Not only claiming knowledge of events across the world, but also claiming to have deeper knowledge of physics than any physicist and deeper knowledge of human psychology than any neuroscientist

* Somehow, the same guy who wrote a resignation letter just 5 years ago complaining that the government wasn't taking UFOs seriously is also implying that the government has communicated with UFO occupants and recovered bodies and that alien spacecraft have military liaisons on them

* WFT does he get all this extremely detailed biological and social knowledge of "aliens" from? "Humans" on other planets, living bands of light, non-corporeal energy beings, car-sized amoebas? Where would you even BEGIN to get that knowledge?

* "species and 'existences' on this planet which have come and gone before us"? WTF is he talking about and where did he get this knowledge? Quantum, fractals, "these patterns are deliberate" is he going into some intelligent design stuff or what?

* Nordic aliens :laff:

* "Battle of Los Angeles" :laff:

There are three options:

#1. To The Stars, despite having being a struggling entertainment/media company for several years that focuses on producing cheesy cable shows, is actually run by the two most knowledgeable people on the planet who know more about physics, psychology, and history than all scientists and historians combined....but don't have the slightest interest in sharing the actual details with anyone.

#2. To The Stars is run by goofy quacks who just say shyt without having a fukking clue what they are talking about.

#3. To The Stars is a grift

Which is it? :jbhmm:
:snoop:Lue ain’t doing no favors by saying this crazy shyt