These companies want their cake and eat it too. Use China as a manufacturing hub for your business so you can pay shyt wages and increase profit margin yet act surprised when they come with some shyt to compete. Like every one of these companies aren't tracking people n shyt
Cut off China means paying employees more (or it could hasten the advancement of robots even further to cut costs since they don't want to pay US workers) which ultimately leads to the consumer taking it on the chin.
They would probably just move more production to places like india and mexico. Instead of using more automation because that is a high investment. Mexico and india actually have lower rates. The reason why many companies haven't done a complete switch from china to say india and mexico is because the infrastructure isn't there and because from technical standpoint they aren't as advanced as china.
But overall from my experience China's quality just isn't there and as a company you would expect the quality would be much better with how technically advanced they are.