Is there a chance he is Enryu? Enryu is missing and he is supposed to be a master at shinsu control and Baam is as well(although to a lesser degree).
Nah i doubt it, nikkas knew Enryu
And aint no way in hell so many guardians are gonna just let Baam climb the tower knowing he murked off one of them
I think he has more of a relation to Phantaminum than anyone, i feel like someone stored their power in his body and wanted him to stay the fukk outta the tower, forced rachel to watch over him, she couldnt take it anymore and left, which could explain why she wants him to gtfo or die
Either that or he's a legit Shinsoo baby and that's why dealing with it is so easy for him
Sidenote: anyone think Phanta kept climbing past the floor Zahard and them on?