So the old man in Rachel's crew has history on the train...related to Aka and Boro? It'd be the type of chaining of characters we've gotten accustomed to I think.
Knew that'd be the case. Are Boro and Aka over 200 years old too then?
This dude Beta is an ANIMAL...low key stealing all the shine in this arc while Ran drops down the power rankings hard. I hate it had to be him.
The team arrival is too damned timely too. Hopefully they're getting set up to land on the train and help Baam.
said the story about the hidden floor is about to be revealed

(we about to see some Enryu piff in a flashback brehs??? my body aint ready
i wanna see what Red Rain looks like)
We're not worthy of this ish. Witnessing a God-level battle is gonna ruin other manga match-ups for a while.
Sidenote: I hope the fans have been asking for Mazino...I know it's more likely to be Baam's teammates, especially Koon which would be great but expected...Some shockers would be great aka Wingtree or Yuri Ha's crew arriving. Yuri knows where Baam is right? With Rachel's overpowered team maybe we get to watch her wash someone.
There was a lil lull for a bit but SIU is giving us that real piff these past couple of chapters. The build-up was worth it. Breaker is the only one competing for me.