That isn't International Law, that is just what it says, it's a "Declaration", and it has no enforcement mechanism
This Is a good example of ignorant people trying to lead, if you don't know the difference between "International Law" and a decleration you don't know what you are talking about
Secondly, you already have a nationality, it's in your passport, if you don't like that nationality you can renounce your citizenship and get nationality in another country, so even if it was international law your rights haven't been violated
And yes if black people wanted to change nationality as a group that is possible but again it would have nothing to do with the UN, that would have to do with the other country and there has been talk of offering citizenship or residency to the African diaspora, and that might be a good idea, but that is between the african diaspora and African countries
Seems like you love playing the semantics game.
International Law that I keep referring and the declaration of Human Rights falls under International Human rights Laws.
So indeed it is an International Human Rights Law that a Nation has a right to change there Nationality among other things.
Also, No one is trying to lead anything.
This is a topic that Conscious people of color do know about. I simply presented the issue as a open forum of discussion nothing more nothing less.