Most of these dudes look at Africa as a country and not a continent (like Tariq does). They’re ignorant and dumb which is why they think he wins all these “debates.”
Whenever anyone gets on his helmet or starts debunking or asking hard questions, he starts making corny jokes or muting them. He deflects and brings up completely irrelevant and/or false talking points. His viewpoint of the entire continent of Africa being a shantytown with malnourished children eating dirt is straight up KKK rhetoric.
His delivery is blunt but there is a lot of truth to what he's saying. 60 years ago China was at the same level of development as most African countries. Fast forward and now China is one of the wealthiest nations. A big difference is China doesn't have the tribalistic society that is found in most African nations. Why do you think there isn't a commodity cartel similar to OPEC among African countries with shared resources? The tribalism among Africans is a major downfall.