roland is easy money
I disagree with Tariq putting so much effort into dividing us but he hit the mark cleanly on that one.
roland is easy money
just heard Tariq, PBT and Jason black all on the same show sunday night....
you got a link?? where you hear this at??? also seems like Tariq is gettin on code heavy with Tone and Yvette on social media
Malcolm’s white grandfather was a rapist fam.I guess since Malcom had a white grandfather we shouldnt have listened to him?
the war room is herejust heard Tariq, PBT and Jason black all on the same show sunday night....
White media on red alert...
AADOS=African American Descendant of slaveryAre Black people from Haiti somehow not the descendants of slaves?
Real question for anyone that’s either a fan of Roland Martin or Tariq Nasheed. If black people’s problems disappeared tomorrow, do you think either of them would say “mission accomplished” or would they look for something else to hustle us?
What happens when we no longer need leaders or leading voices? I see a lot of problem, reaction, solution in everything they do and it’s almost like they welcome drama to excite their fan bases. It’s pure preaching/pimping/hustling from a lot of these personalities on all sides. I’m not knocking their hustles, but we need to become aware of it as a people.
I thought Tariq was pro black and all about empowering black folks. is this how you uplift and empower your people by dividing them based on their origin, starting and maintaining petty beefs and looking to destroy any black person that doesn't bow down to him and kiss his behind. So much for "staying on code"
The irony is the same posters who support Tariq's pettiness and foolishness will be the same ones who will lament that black people love tearing each other down and preach black unity when it's convenient
this aados shyt is the dumbest shyt i have seen hit social media
i have seen so many who trying to pick up this angle say so much historically inaccurate things its laughable
and none of this shyt is inching even close to hitting a lobby floor or creating any kind of tangible agenda that serves the basic needs of black africans in america
it simply gets us back to "hoping " for some course of reparations, like we been doing for the past 150 years ( i know you all dont think this the 1st time a group of blacks have tried this shyt)
and has served as a divisive tool to have black folks in america arguing with other blacks from other countries (who have no power) to the point of disrespect false assertions and make believe intentions.
Now there is a ad on Facebook for a clothing line called black American and the 1st words that flash in the ad is : "we are not Africans"
Fitting because this bullshyt has only served as yet another anti African agenda.
This shyt is dumb
Malcolm’s white grandfather was a rapist fam.
Yvette canceled him butIn, before Min Louis Farrakhan gets cancelled for being of Caribbean descent and "talking down to AADOS"
I followed Yvette when she was down with Dr. Watkins, and her problems with LF weren't because of his ethnic background.Yvette canceled him but