The episode finally dropped on YouTube:
On the New Zo Williams'
Voice of a reason show (VOR)
"Hot Button-Radio
Caller Hotline:
1 (323) 230-4610
5-7pm PST
Hot Topic Alert: SG: Tariq Nasheed
"A Deeper Look at Giving up a sure thing for the
potential of something better in relationships!"
”Grass Is Always Greener Syndrome” refers to the belief that what you have right now( in this case it is your current partner) is not good enough and that you will meet someone better and have a happier life.
The perfect relationship; fact or myth?
True Or False?
The grass is always greener when people have a History of abandonment?
True Or False?
The grass is always greener when people have a History of being cheated on?
True Or False?
The grass is always greener when people have a Struggles with self-esteem?
True Or False?
Why isn't the grass always greener on the other side of the singles/couples divide?
Have you got relationship status anxiety?
True Or False?
Does a desire to hop the fence to greener pastures come fromUnmet needs during childhood?
True Or False?
Connecting is more than simply being in the same house, room or restaurant, though that’s a good start! It’s about being truly present, making eye contact and showing genuine interest in your partner. Try putting down your tablet, phone or remote control on a regular basis and actually take the time to connect with your partner, even for a few minutes?
True Or False?
You won’t find the phrase “commitment phobia” in any clinical manuals. Rest assured, however, it’s a very real issue and is usually cloaked in acute anxiety and fear?
True or False?
If you’re someone who finds yourself treating your partner with less respect and kindness than you would like, you can do an upgrade?
True Or False?
Remember no one is perfect, try to see the good in what your mate does and bring light to that?
True or false?
If sex is the only common denominator, he/she may be your 20, not your 80?
True Of False?
If you have commitment issues, you may confuse some of the usual excitement you feel about being with someone with other feelings, like anxiety?
True or False?
Some people have a significantly depressed pain-body and live with a lot of sadness?
Does "the grass is greener syndrome" come from the idea of scarcity, and or lack?
True Or False?
It’s way too easy in our fast-paced, plugged-in culture to take our significant other for granted?
if your partner/mate can't upgrade you, are you justified to look at other lawns?
true or false?
An additional source of relationship role-modeling comes from the unhealthy messages we absorb in the media?
True or false?
The greener grass is usually based on fantasy and fear?
True or False?
While the overuse of this phrase has mostly dulled its impact, people who experience the “grass is greener syndrome” endure a significant struggle with commitment?
True or False?
The hallmark of the “grass is greener syndrome.”
is the idea that there is always something better that we are missing?
How many times have we heard the cliché,
“The grass is always greener on the other side?
True or False?
Another factor that can contribute to how we treat our partners is simply our inborn temperament?