All Star
anyone got links to his books?
So you're just a drop of demonic blood in the dating pool. If you want to reduce your existence to that of a common animal so be it. I guess thats where the devil tells you you need to be. Some people i guess should not pass their dna into the future and the buck should stop, with them.find a good woman for what? what does any woman provide that a man in today's day and age need or have to have for survival?
you can say whatever you want but at the end of the day it all boils down to genetics and the desire to reproduce. that's the only reason non-related men and women deal with each other because their genetics demands it. my body may be encoded with a strong drive for reproduction but intellectually i have no desire to reproduce. sex is unnecessary for survival.
all that good wife happy stuff is bs rationalizations you've places over the simple fact that your genetics compels you to meet women and attempt to engage in having sex with them for the sake of survival of the species. the pleasure and "happiness" are carrots dangled to get you to engage in activities that are completely unnecessary for your survival as an individual.
That's not a need for survival it's a want. You could die an old man having never experienced that and your life would be no less meaningful than having experienced it. You need oxygen to survive a woman is completely optional and unnecessary.Bruh aint nothing like waking up in bed to someone who loves you every day. If you have never experienced that feeling then nothing someone can put into words can convey it to you.
Humans are animals despite their desire to be more. I'm not going to deny the obvious truth or rationalize bullshyt to attempt to give it more meaning. It's like you sleep because your body and genetics demand it. If you didn't need to sleep is it a concept you'd naturally gravitate towards doing?So you're just a drop of demonic blood in the dating pool. If you want to reduce your existence to that of a common animal so be it. I guess thats where the devil tells you you need to be. Some people i guess should not pass their dna into the future and the buck should stop, with them.
Theres a lot of things people dont need that they choose to doThat's not a need for survival it's a want. You could die an old man having never experienced that and your life would be no less meaningful than having experienced it. You need oxygen to survive a woman is completely optional and unnecessary.
when have i ever told anyone how to live their lives? i merely present an option many people have never thought of and haven't considered. in our society most don't go against or challenge conventional thinking. you're supposed to have a girlfriend, a wife, kids, a family, get a mortgage, get a house, a car, a dog, and live "the American dream" because that's what people do. in fact people are so ingrained in that way of thinking they couldn't imagine being a 60 year old single man that hasn't been on a date or had sex in 30 years and has no kids. to them that's a horror but honestly why is it so? because that guy would be missing out? think how many things in life that are completely unnecessary haven't you tried that you'd love if you did? how many things have you tried and eventually given up? does the lack of such things ruin your life?Theres a lot of things people dont need that they choose to do
You for example like to spend your time telling people they dont need love. Your life would be no less fulfilled if you chose to forego this "fukk love" crusade. But nobody is telling you how to live your life. So why should you tell anyone how to live theirs? Other people pursuing love has zero effect on you.