nahThey gonna say the building ain’t big enough.
He’s scamming if he charges an entry fee.
He lets white people into the museum.
How can you have a black museum if you have a white mother in law.
He’s overcharging for parking so he can take vacations.
These non FBA bellyachers just gonna keep complaining but the movement ain’t going anywhere. One side is moving in truth the other side is full of hate and envy.
to the quadroons... the legacy must be secured. indeed familyso if this museum ever actually opens and manages to be profitable, where do the profits it generates go?
That's true.
It's well know that FBA have crisp hairlines that rarely recede. The Non-FBA try to copy our hairline but they still do not look right.
For example Akon:
FBA have crisp hair lines that rarely recede as opposed to're here now folks. And these are the folks who want to point fingers and be seen as arbiters and gatekeepers of black pride.
The hashtaggers' deranged hatred of their own race has begun transitioning to quack white power geneaology science. Implying that "FBA" are somehow genetically different and physically superior to "non-FBA".
The last time I was in one of these dumbass threads someone mentioned how you can tell apart "FBA" and West Indians genetically. When I asked him what are these physical distinctions of West Indians he can point out he refused to answer and went on some ballistic old white lady pearl clutching rant about how West Indians commit all the crimes in NYC and "FBA" get lumped in and blamed.
Every bit as guilty of being outspoken proxies, mouthpieces, and defensive buffer classes of white supremacist speech and ideology as they claim Latinos are. Sounding more and more like a "me no black papi" c00n yourself by the day.
And no I'm not African, I'm just not a deranged c00n who can live with so much hatred for entire people.
I don't know why or how mod allowed this diaspora war FBA hate movement to spring up all over again. There's a reason this phony ass c00n shyt is not taken seriously and was banned to begin with. shyt aint nothing but an embarrassing platform for a bunch of sick, self hating c00ns who want to be conservative, Republican, "American," and honorary white so badly to spit ignorant rhetoric about other black people. but I guess some mods here are so lacking in critical thinking skills and blinded by this pride of being "FBA" they cant even see or acknowledge the problem.
I hope people read this and realize how completely sick the people attached to these hashtags are. They're not pro-black of any variety. They're not enlightened thinkers. They're just self hating c00ns looking to normalize theif bigoted views of Africans.
Now go ahead, quote my shyt and tell the whole forum you don't like to read. As if we need confirmation you're a misinformed idiot.
This lame ass nikka already knows the drill:
This lame ass nikka already knows the drill:
Of course. This self hating, illiterate ass, pro-Trump, Republican MAGA c00n right here. Given up even trying to debate me because I embarrass his ass each and every time. I'd expect nothing less from a white worshipping agent pushing anti-Africa and pro-right wing bigotry on a black forum.
Aspiring cac, bytch nicca coward.
Whether Tariq succeeds or fails, this is a case study for how to build and maintain our own independent institutions later. The ADOS/FBA paying attention will have a better idea how to do it on a larger scale and maybe encourage us to get in those key positions to make these things happen and legally protect each other. These are big money projects. What we need to watch for is status. Non-profit? If yes, how is it going to be funded? If donation-based from the same group of people he called on to start it, he'll be able to prove something about ADOS/FBA funding, owning and operating their own institutions without the input of other groups. That was the motivation behind this to start. Depending this gets legally set up, he could have it operated exclusively by ADOS/FBA. I'm not mad at it. Following the hip-hop threads these past months, it's good this is happening.If he ends up finishing the project, then much respect to him. Always love seeing people repping their ethnicity
Museums are good long term investments for real estate appreciation. Not really good for quick money
Only thing is that Museums require alot of money for maintenance to remain in tact. Climate control and security alone can eat up profits. Hope he is ready for that
Did you type that crying lol We're over here celebrating about a museum and you over here over here with a bleeding p*ssy sound like Carl Thomas: