The Tariq Nasheed Thread


Jul 25, 2018
Both Walker and Warnock lack a FBA agenda.

LMAO prochoice pastor who doesn't fight for reparations. Who is on that PoC bandwagon. Of course FBA people soured on him. I mean what do you expect.

Walker is Trump's hand pick c00n.

Since no one running in that race has a black American agenda. FBA will have to pick their personal choice of lesser than evil.

Which means "FBA" will logically vote for Warnock. Sorry it's not your militant pipe dream "exclusive to the foundational black Americans, descendants of slaves" legislative agenda but it's clear who is the better choice for black voters.

In fact given the opportunity to think and decide for themselves black voters will always go for the liberal candidate and the liberal party. For some reason this makes you phony pro-black militants mad.

Nobody with any true aspirations of becoming President of the United States, a US Senator, or any position of law making or executive power in this country is going to push an agenda that only supports like 10% of the population and neglects everyone else. Obviously that person will fukking lose and you won't even get a "POC" or "middle class" agenda that benefits you, let alone any "FBA" bullshyt. You'll just be handing over political power to Republican conservatives to eliminate your rights entirely. Which is clearly the goal the way yall constantly move the goal post to find any reason to not vote, blame Democrats for all your issues, call other people c00ns, and hand over all political power and favor to Republicans.

Just vote red and get ot over with bro. You and Tariq and the rest of the hashtag militants have quit making sense, showed your asses, and been talking like Fox News watching Republicans and "proud to be an Amurican" aspiring southern rednecks for the longest. No one trusts yalls shyt no more.


Jul 25, 2018
Well Tariq is in California and the race between Walker and Warnock is in Georgia so what Tariq says is irrelevant. :yeshrug:

It don't matter. It's not like he only speaks to Californians. Tariq goal is to manipulate all elections in favor of Republican candidates by spreading viral opinion and misinformation.

These pro-black internet scammers with a clear bias for conservatives and Republicans know what they're doing.

They know it doesn't take much to manipulate and then eliminate the black vote from elections.

Our voter turnout is already atrocious. Of black people who are qualified to vote only 50% of us, mostly middle and senior aged, even bother. This country would change overnight and we'd actually have our needs met if we fukking voted. So they know they sound ridiculous to most serious people who can think for themselves, and they know they are not going to influence everyone. But if they can work hard enough to get just a good 3-5% of those brain dead voters who fall for conspiracies and don't know how to think for themselves to not vote that makes all the difference in disadvantaging the Democrat candidate and allowing white people to decide the election. It's that simple to engineer an election in your favor if you can get certain people to not vote.

And Georgia in particularly is becoming more and more of a contentious battleground state thanks to an increase in black voters moving to suburban districts. So the hashtag warriors are working extra hard to dangle reparations in people faces, and fet just enough folks to stop voting to eliminate this real newfound political power we are expressing in favor of fake political power in the form of "demanding reparations s and laws exclusive to black Americans" so that white people can have all the political power to keep Georgia bright red while we sitting around reading pro-black tweets and fantasizing.

shyt is getting old.

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
Both Walker and Warnock lack a FBA agenda.

LMAO prochoice pastor who doesn't fight for reparations. Who is on that PoC bandwagon. Of course FBA people soured on him. I mean what do you expect.

Walker is Trump's hand pick c00n.

Since no one running in that race has a black American agenda. FBA will have to pick their personal choice of lesser than evil.
You don't know what you're talking about. And reparations is never going to happen so please stop bringing that up as the only measuring stick to determine if someone is worth supporting. It's quite shallow.

Warnock was credited and a primary force in the aid black farmers was supposed to receive from the American Rescue act last year. But white farmers got pissed off and sued saying they were being discriminated against, and the whole thing has been held up in federal court for well over a year with judges stating that was unconsititional.

Speaking of the American Rescue Act, Warnock secured 85 million for Georgia HBCU's from that bill passing Congress.

Warnock also secured 1.2 billion in HBCU's and "minority serving institutions" in Georgia a couple months ago which can be difficult to secure in Congress. As long as a majority of the money goes to HBCU's, that's another success.

Just three weeks ago Warnock secured $170 million in federal housing investments for Georgia through the US Department of Housing, community grant programs (CPD) and HUD. The purpose being to provide more affordable housing especially for low income residents. This was a follow up from last year when Warnock helped get $140 million in Home Investment Partnership Program Grants from HUD to help with affordable housing.

Reverend "Most Honorable" Warnock has been a successful Senator and he's a solid, stand up dude. A church leader, a community leader, someone that young black children can look up to. He hasn't "lost" any black support and if he lost a bunch of dumb militants on the internet who don't know shyt, then that's probably a good thing.

All of this negates most dishonorable Tariq's dumb point that Warnock would undermine black people and be all about the LGBT's and Hispanics. Tariq clearly don't know about Warnock's track record, never bothered to research it, and simply spit out a bunch of anti-Democrat talking points hoping to stick them to Warnock simply because Warnock is a Democrat and he hates Democrats. He never knows what he's talking about when it comes to politics and quite frankly, he should shut the fukk up. Because his ignorance misinforms and misleads hundreds of people on a regular basis.
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Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Both Walker and Warnock lack a FBA agenda.

LMAO prochoice pastor who doesn't fight for reparations. Who is on that PoC bandwagon. Of course FBA people soured on him. I mean what do you expect.

Walker is Trump's hand pick c00n.

Since no one running in that race has a black American agenda. FBA will have to pick their personal choice of lesser than evil.
So pick the c00n that married a white woman, with a gay son, and has CTE? Is that what's FBA stands for!?!?


Sep 24, 2013
Y'all need to make your minds up about Tariq.

One minute y'all say he's an irrelevant grifter in an echo chamber then next minute y'all say he's now big with enough access to enough black people to cause real voter apathy.

Which is it :dahell:
Anyone with a modicum of sense and access to google can see what the man is about. People susceptible to his bullshyt were a lost cause anyway. So it isn't that I think he poses any real threat but it's a shame he doesn't utilize his platform to do some real good.