The state of New York just issued $183 million reparations to descendants of Holocaust survivors. This shyt is beyond insane

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
1. The way the insurance worked for slaves would take more than an accountant to decide on value and interest. It takes interpretation of law to decide.
That work has been done by economists, are you aware of that?

And you yourself have stated how it could be done. So that’s one way. But it’s not an interpretation, since we have actual numbers.

This is different than an accountant simply counting interest on an easy-to-define policy.
We can estimate the value of other things dating back that far. So we also can calculate the work they did and the value it had. We know what the policies did and didn’t do to whites. Hence the Headright system, we know the value of that as well.

Sir, every can be measured and calculated. Everything!!!! You yourself admitted that "accountants simply count interest on an easy-to-define policy".

And I posted a number of historical incidents that happened to ADOS, which can be traced easily.

"As a result, nearly all enslaved Africans ended up in the hands of the richest Virginians. These planters paid in tobacco and claimed headrights, or land grants, of fifty acres each on each of them. (The headright system awarded land to anyone who paid the cost of transporting an indentured servant to the colony and was extended to cover enslaved laborers. Headrights for enslaved laborers were terminated in 1699.)

Though the number of enslaved Africans arriving in Virginia increased under the Royal African Company, it remained relatively small. In the years prior to 1670, only two to three ships, carrying perhaps 200 to 300 captives each, arrived. In the following decade, that tripled to between seven and nine arrivals, totaling as many as 2,000 enslaved captives. Between 1681 and 1690, about eleven ships carrying approximately 3,200 enslaved Africans landed in Virginia. That number decreased the following decade to five ships carrying about 1,100 enslaved Africans, probably related to King William’s War (1689–1697) with France."

"He also distributed 50 acres to each person who paid his or her own way and 50 acres more for each additional person they brought along. This was known as the Virginia headright system."

I'm not saying that these things are not owed... I'm saying the straightforwardness of the paperwork in the jews case is completely different from the situation with slaves. If the jews relied on getting money based on a calculation of the value of German insurance policies for different aspects of the Holocaust it would be taking much much much longer... the jews would be getting mad about all these "research committees" instead of action
There was something peculiar said during that hearing.

She said we have to "act now".

"The Dutch government eventually made €181.5 million available to compensate the victims and their families."

"The money is the second and last round of payments from $60 million France provided following a 2014 agreement in exchange for recipients relinquishing the right to sue."

"Over all, €35.2 million will be paid to individual claimants, with the rest going to a Jewish trust that will help the poor and keep the memory of the Holocaust alive."

The retrieved assets. Are these given to people who directly or indirectly experienced the holocaust? And have the victims assets been taken in the USA or in a foreign country? Or is it given to the descents?

3. reading
Something you didn’t do.

Black Americans aren't upset that Jewish community is receiving this, they are upset because ADOS has been ingnored (benign neglected) for over 140 year. Had ADOS not been ignored, they would not have been upset. Nearly all, if not all will agree that the Jewish community deserves this. But not at the neglect of ADOS.

3. (lol) :yeshrug: anybody asking me if im ados is obviously trolling... you just not aware of the context
Why should that be trolling? Your views are a bit odd at times.

I have been asked that question as well, and I didn't experience it as trolling.

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Oct 8, 2014
Theres a total of 98 people in india with Savvir as a last did you read the page?

Gábor (sometimes written Gabor; Hungarian: [ˈɡaːbor]) is a Hungarian male given name. Its equivalent in English is Gabriel. Gábor originated from the Hebrew name Gabriel and was transmitted to the Hungarian language through the Latin form Gabirianus ~ Gabriel.


oops... heres the actual spelling and its history

Gibor History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms​

  • Origins Available:
  • Scotland
  • Ireland Ireland
The Gibor surname is thought to have derived from an Old Norse personal name Ivarr of uncertain origin. It became a given name in Ireland, Scotland and Wales before becoming a hereditary surname.
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Jul 24, 2015
youre actually serious now


Theres a total of 98 people in india with Savvir as a last did you read the page?

Gábor (sometimes written Gabor; Hungarian: [ˈɡaːbor]) is a Hungarian male given name. Its equivalent in English is Gabriel. Gábor originated from the Hebrew name Gabriel and was transmitted to the Hungarian language through the Latin form Gabirianus ~ Gabriel.


oops... heres the actual spelling and its history

Gibor History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms​

The Gibor surname is thought to have derived from an Old Norse personal name Ivarr of uncertain origin. It became a given name in Ireland, Scotland and Wales before becoming a hereditary surname.
Check out this Eruo cac


Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Theres a total of 98 people in india with Savvir as a last did you read the page?
And how many are there in the USA?

I understand that the picture has Brigadier General Charles Young look a bit “Southeast Indian”, but he’s not. He’s a Black man of African descent.


Gábor (sometimes written Gabor; Hungarian: [ˈɡaːbor]) is a Hungarian male given name. Its equivalent in English is Gabriel. Gábor originated from the Hebrew name Gabriel and was transmitted to the Hungarian language through the Latin form Gabirianus ~ Gabriel.


oops... heres the actual spelling and its history

My screen name is Ish Gibor. Do you have a comprehension issue?

Interesting, I will study this part. See how it ties in with the African Ladinos (Libertos).

“The motto was originally a war cry or slogan. Mottoes first began to be shown with arms in the 14th and 15th centuries, but were not in general use until the 17th century. Thus the oldest coats of arms generally do not include a motto. Mottoes seldom form part of the grant”

Black Scapegoats

"But while Elizabeth may have enjoyed being entertained by Black people, in the 1590s she also issued proclamations against them. In 1596 she wrote to the lord mayors of major cities noting that there were 'of late divers blackmoores brought into this realm, of which kind of people there are already here to manie...'. She ordered that 'those kinde of people should be sente forth of the land'.

Elizabeth made an arrangement for a merchant, Casper van Senden, to deport Black people from England in 1596. The aim seems to have been to exchange them for (or perhaps to sell them to obtain funds to buy) English prisoners held by England’s Catholic enemies Spain and Portugal."

"The results of the craniometric analysis indicated that the majority of the York population had European origins, but that 11% of the Trentholme Drive and 12% of The Railway study samples were likely of African decent."

(Leach et al. 2009, Migration and diversity in Roman Britain: a multidisciplinary approach to the identification of immigrants in Roman York, England)

Gibor History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms​

The Gibor surname is thought to have derived from an Old Norse personal name Ivarr of uncertain origin. It became a given name in Ireland, Scotland and Wales before becoming a hereditary surname.

Ish Gibor is Hebrew and it means “Mighty Man”.​

ish (אִישׁ) = man.

gibor (גִּבּוֹר) = champion, hero in battle, respected man in a community. (From the root verb gavar,גָּבַר = excelled, accomplished, prevailed.)

Gibor as a boy's name is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Gibor is "strong one"

Hebrew is a Semitic language, and is within the Afriasan phylum, that is rooted on pro-Afroasiatic. Afroasiatic arose at lake Nuba. Lake Nuba is at Southern Egypt, North Sudan, Northwest-Horn East Africa.

West Africa has over 20 Afroasiatic languages:

Guus, Jilbe, Jimi, Jonkor, Ju, Kabali, Koenoem, Kofa, Kubi, Kupto, Lagwan, Langas, Luri, Lushi, Mabire, Maha, Mangas, Maslam, Mbara, Midah, Mser, Ngamo, Nggwahyi, Ngwaba, Pa’a, Polci, Sha, Shua, Siri, Sukur, Tahaggart, Tala, Tetserret, Tule, Tulai, Oubi, Zaar, Zari, Zeem, Zizilivakan, Zanaga, Zialo, Zul, Zumaya.


Issues in the Historical Phonology Issues in the Historical Phonology of Chadic Languages of Chadic Languages H. Ekkehard Wolff Chair: African Languages & Linguistics Leipzig University

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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017


Oct 8, 2014
And how many are there in the USA?

I understand that the picture has Brigadier General Charles Young look a bit “Southeast Indian”, but he’s not. He’s a Black man of African descent.


My screen name is Ish Gibor. Do you have a comprehension issue?

Interesting, I will study this part. See how it fits.

“The motto was originally a war cry or slogan. Mottoes first began to be shown with arms in the 14th and 15th centuries, but were not in general use until the 17th century. Thus the oldest coats of arms generally do not include a motto. Mottoes seldom form part of the grant”

Ish Gibor is Hebrew and it means “Mighty Man”.​

ish (אִישׁ) = man.

gibor (גִּבּוֹר) = champion, hero in battle, respected man in a community. (From the root verb gavar,גָּבַר = excelled, accomplished, prevailed.)

Gibor as a boy's name is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Gibor is "strong one"

Hebrew is a Semitic language, and is within the Afriasan phylum, that is rooted on pro-Afroasiatic. Afroasiatic arose at lake Nuba. Lake Nuba is at Southern Egypt, North Sudan, Northwest-Horn East Africa.

West Africa has over 20 Afroasiatic languages:

Guus, Jilbe, Jimi, Jonkor, Ju, Kabali, Koenoem, Kofa, Kubi, Kupto, Lagwan, Langas, Luri, Lushi, Mabire, Maha, Mangas, Maslam, Mbara, Midah, Mser, Ngamo, Nggwahyi, Ngwaba, Pa’a, Polci, Sha, Shua, Siri, Sukur, Tahaggart, Tala, Tetserret, Tule, Tulai, Oubi, Zaar, Zari, Zeem, Zizilivakan, Zanaga, Zialo, Zul, Zumaya.


Issues in the Historical Phonology Issues in the Historical Phonology of Chadic Languages of Chadic Languages H. Ekkehard Wolff Chair: African Languages & Linguistics Leipzig University

lol. You are going hard about screen names now.

Is there a point to this?

I have given my info on this board years ago. To suggest my screen name has some relevancy to anything regarding my personality or authenticity is a crazy reach.

I happen to make up A screen name that was a derivative of popular slang in my area… you connect it to 98 people in India who happen to have it as part of their name… when there is a majority of non-black people who have your screen name in their lineage. shyt, I’m creole and if I used my own families exact surname you would probably try to connect it to French whites too.

This is getting out of hand and completely off topic. What is your point?

Where is the calculation of money owed based on slave insurance? Please link to the research that you said was already done.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
lol. You are going hard about screen names now.
Nope, you do.

I merely posted a coincidence, which is very peculiar. And you wanted to play this game. Too bad for you...

Is there a point to this?
Yes, the history of the African Ladinos (Libertos) taken into slavery...

Ladinos and bozales | First Blacks in the Americas
(Dominican Studies Institute, The City College of New York, North Academic Center (NAC)

The first Africans from Spain were known as ladinos, or hispanicized Africans, and were soldiers, servants, settlers, and slaves. They began to arrive in the Americas as early as the 15th century, many as auxiliaries to the Spanish and Portuguese explorers.
NPS Ethnography: African American Heritage & Ethnography

I have given my info on this board years ago. To suggest my screen name has some relevancy to anything regarding my personality or authenticity is a crazy reach.

I happen to make up A screen name that was a derivative of popular slang in my area… you connect it to 98 people in India who happen to have it as part of their name… when there is a majority of non-black people who have your screen name in their lineage. shyt, I’m creole and if I used my own families exact surname you would probably try to connect it to French whites too.
Ok, so now it’s a slang word in your “area”!?

This is getting out of hand and completely off topic. What is your point?
In fact I stayed within the lines, since it’s Hebrew. And I tried to continue the topic here #296.
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Oct 8, 2014
Nope, you do.

I merely posted a coincidence, which is very peculiar. And you wanted to play this game. Too bad for you...

Yes, the history of the African Libertos taken into slavery...

Ok, so now it’s a slang word in your “area”!?

In fact I stayed within the lines, since it’s Hebrew. And I tried to continue the topic here #296.
1. When did I say my screen name was anything else other than a derivative of a slang term? You’re the one who connected it to 98 people in India not me.

2. where is the calculations you said were already done? Please cite the research. Your links don’t lead to any research on current valuations.

3. Did you ever post the viewpoints that you thought were odd? You don’t seem to be focused on anything concrete. Focusing on dissecting my avy and screen name. Those tactics looks bad on you. I was expected to gain knowledge… but after the first two posts that you included actual history… you seem to have fallen off.
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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
1. When did I say my screen name was anything else other than a derivative of a slang term? You’re the one who connected it to 98 people in India not me.
Since a few hours ago, I guess? It happens to be Sanskrit in origin. Now you blame me that you run around with a screen name Sanskrit in origin?

2. where is the calculations you said were already done? Please cite the research. Your links don’t lead to any research on current valuations.
Just a few...:

From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century - Sandy Darity.


The Color of Money: Banking and Racial Inequality - Mehrsa Baradaran.


Cost of Being a Black American - Dr. Shawn Rochester


The Color of Law - Dr. Richard Rothstein.

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