Love both shows like crazy but I have to give it to The Sopranos by the length of a pube.
Most of you are voting for The Wire cause you are black.
Breh Tony is dead!
very nice explanation.They're 1 and 2 all time for me. Wire is #1 tho. Both shows are amazingly written. The Wire is much more intricate, has a much wider scope, and touches on more themes. Baltimore, imo, edges out 1960's Manhattan in Mad Men as the greatest/most realized setting to a television show ever. Baltimore is a character in the show itself. The Wire had probably one of the biggest casts (of significant characters) of any show and made you care about every single one of them. Each season being based on a different facet (or personality) of the city while it all comes back to a central theme...shyt rolls downhill. Hierarchy. The game. There's a reason the show had its own course at Harvard, brehs
The Sopranos did the best job of any show ever, imo, of telling the story of a centralized group of characters. We watched the Sopranos grow from the kids being in middle/high school, Carmela being willfully ignorant of what bought the lifestyle she was living, and Tony being a dude up there in the ranks but capable of keeping it all together, to the kids growing into adults trying to identify themselves outside of the Soprano name (with varying results), Carmela ceasing to lie to herself, and Tony teetering on losing it all. Using the theme of family as the backbone of the whole show even though people tuned in for the mob drama was genius. If you think about it, the tentpoles of the show are based on family. The episode where they end up at Artie's restaurant during the storm. Tony and Carmela separating. The family at Tony's bedside, etc. Family keeps that cast of fukk ups from falling apart every time.
I honestly can't see any show breaking that top 2
The Wire is a boring trash compared to The Sopranos.
Most of you are voting for The Wire cause you are black.
The Wire is a boring trash compared to The Sopranos.
Most of you are voting for The Wire cause you are black.
The Wire The Wire (TV series 2002-2008) - IMDb
The Sopranos The Sopranos (TV series 1999-2007) - IMDb
Now shut the fukk up