How did I miss this thread? It is the jokes.

I saw that leak stuff on gawker but didn't think much of it.

@TheGodling for making sense of it all, and making it hilarious.
Some background and photos on the names that keep popping up.
Scott Rudin, he is a jewish homosexual, who has actually made some good movies, No country for old men, There will be blood etc. I don't know if you brehs have seen that movie, Swimming with Sharks, the Kevin Spacey character is suppose to be Rudin. He is a complete known a$$hole and a psychopath.
Amy Pascal
They always say that making movies was never pretty. I can see now why they put out hot garbage year and year and wonder why it failed at box office.
The interview looks like hot garbage.
I can't wait for the racist emails to get leaked.

at asking the President if he has seen "12 years a slave" or "Ride Along".
The audacity
That Amy Pascal lady donated $30,000 to the Democratic party, she thinks she is buddy buddy with the President now.
Angelina Jolie as Cleopatra?

How many fukken Steve Jobs movies are there going to be?

Leo Dicaprio as Steve? :whatthehell?: The simping in that letter. :wowwow2:
FYI, the top 12 are all white males, expect one woman.