The Shade Room gets exposed for lying about Joe Biden and the Hawaii recovery efforts


Jul 25, 2018
Im not a Republican,and have been told black people dont vote for Republicans my entire life. So Republicans are doing as expected.

The Democratic party who we vote loyally for,have not done right by us. Yet your asking wheres the smoke for Republicans?The smoke was voting for the Democrats at a 90% clip:snoop:.

Its sad I have to spell this out. Republicans focus on race shyt to rile up their racist white voter base . The Southern strategy is a well known thing,we already know this.

But why do Democrats use the same method to rile up black people every election?And if you make it a point to show us all the racist shyt Republicans do every election. While not actually doing anything about it when you have power? I have to assume you want an emotional,easily triggered black voter base,rather than an educated and happy one. I have to consider they are complicit and racism against blacks is also apart of the democratic strategy. Which would then tell me they have no real interest in putting an end to black disenfranchizement and white supremacy in its totality. But they can prove me wrong.

Sorry,Im indifferent and righteously unnaffected this time. Bring us that black specefic agenda Im sure theyve been working tirelessly on. Bringing racist republican rhetoric and content to trigger us 24/7,has become rather insulting.:respect:

nikka went from writing fake militant poetry about the absolutism of white racism in America, to asking why Democrats arent running Presidential campaigns focused exclusively on a taxpayer funded "black agenda"

It's like he just does this shallow, incoherent roleplay of a militant that serves no purpose than to help advance Republicans and white supremacy.


Jul 25, 2018
Can you point where I said you should vote for Trump or Desantis:gucci:?

Democrats could easily just give black people a reason to vote for them,other than Republican racism. Dont tell me they have nothing else:picard:.

#Bothsides isnt a permanant stance,we can easily be moved to the polls when we get something of substance from the Dems. But sounds like I believe in the Democrats more than you do.:respect:

"Other than Republican racism"

This c00n

Big Blue

Sep 26, 2012
So its exactly as I said. They dont actually care about Republican racism,other than a means to puppeteer black folks to the polls. Which would explain why our condition hasnt changed in all the years weve voted for them:respect:

Its diverse but overwhelmingly white. Youve said yourself black people asking democrats about reperations is a landmine. Because their answer will hurt their standing with white voters. So the answer is I dont know if Democrats would even risk offending white liberals by offering a black specefic agenda. How about we see this election cycle. Lets see them bring something to the table,and lets see how many white liberals are on board. So far 15% of white people would support us. And probably because they are getting a cut in a interacial relationship:respect:
Why does your bytch ass refuse give Black Americans a reason to vote Republican??? We're waiting nikka.
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Jul 25, 2018
Well,go vote for Democrats because your emotionally triggered again. Your just as dumb as the Republican voter base. But at least their thirst for racism is satisfied:mjlol:

Hopefully seeing white racist lose is important to you. Because thats about all you will continue to get based on your emotionalist voting practices. Meanwhile you still helping white racist win. But at least they not AS racist,at least not openly:francis

"Yaay we get to learn 10% of the truth about slavery and Harriet Tubman in schools again:blessed:"

Imagine youre living in the jim Crow Era. You know this country is contentious when it comes to race relations, but you're sick of only white people having the only say on our government. You see liberal politicians who want to defend black peoples rights competing against candidates that dont. You want to vote. And then some Uncle Tom tells you how awful and secretly untrsutworthy the liberal is. Asks you why are you so eager to see white racists lose? And tells you your desire to have a right to vote, beat the racist candidates, and elect people who will defend black rights is you being "emotional."

This guy is a fukkin c00n who loves defending white supremacists.


Jul 25, 2018
Nucoli has a wonderful new search function thats been around for 12 years

And this was my response to someone asking "Why keep voting for democrats,we are in worst shape than weve ever been"

Yes even as wise as I am,I was once a Democrat loyalist in 2018. Although never as pathetic as most of you:scust:

Feels good to be off the plantation. Indifferent and righteously unnaffected:respect:

You stepped off the plantation and walked right into the house, c00n. Talmbout "I hope you're happy seeing white racist Republicans lose :mjcry:"

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Imagine youre living in the jim Crow Era. You know this country is contentious when it comes to race relations, but you're sick of only white people having the only say on our government. You see liberal politicians who want to defend black peoples rights competing against candidates that dont. You want to vote. And then some Uncle Tom tells you how awful and secretly untrsutworthy the liberal is. Asks you why are you so eager to see white racists lose? And tells you your desire to have a right to vote, beat the racist candidates, and elect people who will defend black rights is you being "emotional."

This guy is a fukkin c00n who loves defending white supremacists.

If I have to imagine im in Jim Crow,then Im not actually in a Jim Crow-esque era am I. Is it possible thats just another fear tactic to puppeteer us to the polls? If voting is the solution,yall aint as scared as you pretend to be:mjlol:

Like I said,if all you care about is racist white backwood hillbillies losing. Go ahead and vote democrat with zero demands. You will continue to get what youve been getting. Ive been preaching to leave the country due to white racism/supremacy. Not sure how I would be a c00n and not you. Not voting #Bothsides is the plan B:respect:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Why does your bytch ass refuse give Black Americans a reason to vote Republican??? We're waiting nikka.

You still yapping? Show where I said you should consider voting Republican. I said consider not voting for Democrats. Democrats have every opportunity to you know....actually convince us to vote. We patiently await for that black agenda? Ive been hyping it up for weeks now,got the people in a frenzy


Jul 25, 2018
Why does your bytch ass refuse give Black Americans a reason to vote Republican??? We're waiting nikka.

You understand the bigger picture of government and elections. An election that is gonna come and go and a government thats going to be decided and have rule over our laws, our courts and everything that effects all of us whether we participate or not.

He and the rest of the "fukk Democrats" pro-black-white-power defense force on this board play the same game. They argue that because we don't vote for Republicans it means the party is somehow above criticism, scrutiny, and retribution from black people. They dont exist. We only have a right to oppose and act against a political party if we also vote for them in his sinple minded world apparently.

They also play this game where they pretend like it's common place to get paid go vote. You and I understand that voting is about law and policy. But scumbag black c00nservatives like @Still Benefited and his ilk prey on low information idiots with not even a grade school civics knowledge about politics into believing you're supposed to be paid to vote. Like electing a President is a big glorified act of bribery and not about deciding the laws, rights, and representation of your country. Either that or they're low information barbershop babbling idiots that believe this shyt themselves.

It all makes sense when you realize they're just typical scumbag Trump supporter c00ns who are sympathetic with conservatism and white supremacy and have no morals whatsoever. So they pretend to be militants on black websites to see how many people they can influence.

nikka once called the Republican Party "the party of family and morals" as opposed to the Democrats which he of course called the party of immorality and sexual deviance or some dumb shyt. He use to be way more open with the fact that he's a Republican dikk sucker and all the pro-black vocabulary is just a guise for his c00ning for white supremacy.
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Jul 25, 2018
If I have to imagine im in Jim Crow,then Im not actually in a Jim Crow-esque era am I. Is it possible thats just another fear tactic to puppeteer us to the polls? If voting is the solution,yall aint as scared as you pretend to be:mjlol:

Like I said,if all you care about is racist white backwood hillbillies losing. Go ahead and vote democrat with zero demands. You will continue to get what youve been getting. Ive been preaching to leave the country due to white racism/supremacy. Not sure how I would be a c00n and not you. Not voting #Bothsides is the plan B:respect:"

"Why yallz wanna upset the white folks! Dem liberals dun cur about you! Fine! Go ahead and vote! Yall just wanna make massa mad that's all you want! Trump 2024"


Oh the tears of a house c00n. It is glorious.


Keep crying c00n.


Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
You understand the bigger picture of government and elections. An election that is gonna come and go and a government thats going to be decided and have rule over our laws, our courts and everything that effects all of us whether we participate or not.

He and the rest of the "fukk Democrats" pro-black-white-power defense force on this board play the same game. They argue that because we don't vote for Republicans it means the party is somehow above criticism, scrutiny, and retribution from black people. They dont exist. We only have a right to oppose and act against a political party if we also vote for them in his sinple minded world apparently.

They also play this game where they pretend like it's common place to get paid go vote. You and I understand that voting is about law and policy. But scumbag black c00nservatives like @Still Benefited and his ilk prey on low information idiots with not even a grade school civics knowledge about politics into believing you're supposed to be paid to vote. Like electing a President is a glorified act of brobery and not about deciding the laws, rights, and representation of your country. Either that or they're low information barbershop babling idiots that believe this shyt themselves.

It all makes sense when you realize they're just typical scumbag Trump supporter c00ns who are sympathetic with conservatism and white supremacy and have no morals whatsoever.

nikka once called the Republican Party "the party of family and morals" as opposed to the Democrats which he of course called the party of immorality and sexual deviance or some dumb shyt. He use to be way more open with the fact that he's a Republican dikk sucker and all the pro-black vocabulary is just a guise for his c00ning for white supremacy.

Message to the peanut gallery. Notice the last two Democratic loyalist can only accuse me of saying things Ive never said. In order to paint me in a certain light,based on not having any substantive policy to put on the table. Something to say "THIS is why you should vote for Democrats". All they have is what Republicans are tweeting and doing. Not even what they are actually doing to counter any of it. The argument is "vote first and you will see what they will do Benefited:damn:"

Nah I will use my imagination,and instead of imagining Jim Crow. I will imagine strong arming the Democrats for policy in exchange for votes. Everything is going according to plan:respect:

Big Blue

Sep 26, 2012
You still yapping? Show where I said you should consider voting Republican. I said consider not voting for Democrats. Democrats have every opportunity to you know....actually convince us to vote. We patiently await for that black agenda? Ive been hyping it up for weeks now,got the people in a frenzy
I'm just waiting. I know it's hard to defend your c00nness but even Uncle Tom had an answer.


Jul 25, 2018
Message to the peanut gallery. Notice the last two Democratic loyalist can only accuse me of saying things Ive never said. In order to paint me in a certain light,based on not having any substantive policy to put on the table. Something to say "THIS is why you should vote for Democrats". All they have is what Republicans are tweeting and doing. Not even what they are actually doing to counter any of it. The argument is "vote first and you will see what they will do Benefited:damn:"

Nah I will use my imagination,and instead of imagining Jim Crow. I will imagine strong arming the Democrats for policy in exchange for votes. Everything is going according to plan:respect:

Your broke barbershop babbling ass wants to get paid to vote. That's it.

If you gave a shyt about laws and policy for black people in this country you wouldn't be arguing endlessly over voting against Donald Trump, Ron fukking DeSantis, and the ethni-White Christian fascist "stop wokeness" policy agenda of the Republican Party.

Instead you sitting here crying about "yall just wanna make white people mad :mjcry: "

And I hope that's an accurate quotation of your c00nery since no one could possibly prove you're a Republican Party dikk rider. Oh what would give anyone that impression.