I think you might have to modify your cardio because your body may have adjusted to your current cardio routine. I remember plateauing after losing my first 50 lbs.
I stuck with plain old steady state cardio for the first 40 lbs lost until I plateaued then I switched to battle ropes and sprinting for the for the next round of weight loss. Basically I think you may need to incorporate some HIIT exercises to increase your metabolism
But before you do there are two weights you wanna monitor if you think you've plateaued and imo I consider a plateau a 9 day period where nothing has changed. At least thats what a personal trainer told me. If you're min weight is staying the same while your daily max weight is continuing to go down your still ok. Otherwise it's time to adjust your cardio workout and tweak your diet with regards to caloric intake.
As far as diet goes try to cut back on complex carbs and replace it with proteins. Less bread more meat. A jimmy john unwich pretty much solved that problem for me. Also download an app called spark people. It's a great way to keep track of your eating becomes it has a huge database that'll help you keep a log of your caloric intake. That's gonna be important for you especially now becuase you've lost a good amount of weight so far