I have another question. When you learn about a buisness idea or venture you have never done before but want to try how do you go about it? Do read as much as you can on it, talk to others who have done it, get a mentor,ect.
A lot of people say just do it or "try and fail". But wanted to know if there was anything I else I could or should be doing other then throwing things against the wall hoping it sticks if you know what I mean.
To me it isn't about so much as "trying and failing" as it is immersing yourself in the entire process.As long as you're doing what you set out to do, you can't lose imo. Do whatever you think you need to do to meet your goal. Just keep in mind that whatever it is you decide to do isn't going to be easy and you have to mentally prepare yourself to not be short sighted and think you're gonna pop overnight. So much of this shyt is about patience and if you don't have the patience to see it through, you'll never make it.
You already have an idea of what you need to do. Now it's time to EXECUTE. That's the biggest thing that separates the doers from dreamers. None of this matters if you aren't going to do the work, and trust me it's gonna take alot of work to get there ( I'm still grinding everyday because I'm not where I wanna be yet). Here are some things I did/continue to do:
1. Research whatever field or skill you plan on getting into. How much competition is there in this particular field? How much opportunity is available? What are the barriers t entry? Do I need an apprenticeship, certs, degree etc? What are the costs associated with entering this industry? Just some thing to think about.
2. Read, Read, Read. I can't stress this enough. Adding to your knowledge base makes you valuable and indispensable. Always stay on your toes and evolve. The moment you stagnate is the moment you lose.
3. Make a solid plan of steps that you helps you track your progress. Writing/typing things out helps you visualize it in real time and keeps you on task.
4. Find a mentor if you can. If not, look for work and experience around the industry or skill you choose to develop. Nothing beats real world experience and watching experts work in real time. You can have all the book knowledge in the world, but if you can't apply it, then you won't be able to take yourself to the next level. Watching others do what you wanna do gives you insight into the industry and nuances associated with it. Because you're able to see it and work it, you're able to innovate and put your own fingerprints on things.
5. Go to meetups and surround yourself with people who are in the business or industry you want to be in. Meetup.com is a great place for this. It allows you to network and connects you to people. No man is an island and nobody becomes successful by themselves. You never know what opportunities open up if you meet the right people.
6. Find the time to work. If you have a 9-5, then work 6-10 or whatever on your business. Find the time everyday to work. If you're not consistently working on your hustle then you're only delaying your success imo. Get used to little or no sleep if you wanna make it.
7. Find your "why". This is very important. It keeps you going when you know why your working hard and grinding. Purpose is everything.
8. How passionate are you of the work your doing/planning to do? This dictates how hard you will work imo.If you don't like it, then your effort is gonna be average and the results will be average as well.
Hope this helps breh. This is some of What I do, but if you wanna know more or feel like you need something else, shoot me a pm and we can talk. Take care.