Most did but Hogan was not everywhere like Rock was. He got a boost from Rocky 3 in reality.You out your Damn mind, and I'm not even a Hogan Fan. I fukked with the 4 Horsemen, Bad News Brown. I can honestly say that
Most did but Hogan was not everywhere like Rock was. He got a boost from Rocky 3 in reality.You out your Damn mind, and I'm not even a Hogan Fan. I fukked with the 4 Horsemen, Bad News Brown. I can honestly say that
The Rock is much bigger and much, much, much more successful than the nwo ever was. He's emulated on all levels till this very day. Get fukking real.With movies I agree with you, but Pop Culture, naw. Hulk is a Global Pop Icon, Hulkamania had a 6 year run on Pop Culture in the 80's. Hogan was visiting sick hospitals and shyt, kids across the world talking about how they prey and eat their vitamins, MTV and shyt.
Let's go further NWO nuff said
Most did but Hogan was not everywhere like Rock was. He got a boost from Rocky 3 in reality.
Exactly. The Rock got to where he was with no movies. He took over the world Jordan style...Michael Jackson style. Guy had shows and video games named after him after in 3 years..icon status. That's unrivalled greatness. Can't no one touch that...Austin, Flair, Goldberg, Horsemen, nwo, Hogan, Macho, Warrior, Piper, Andre, Bruno, Cena, DX, one. It's unheard of.Rocky 3 was before Hulkamania, Hulk was wrestling in AWA having fueds with the Great Nick Bockwinkle and Bobby Heenan and in Japan when he played as Thunderlips
The Rock is much bigger and much, much, much more successful than the nwo ever was. He's emulated on all levels till this very day. Get fukking real.
Nwo was a real hit for two years but Rock never had a down period. Goldberg passed them up in 98. Lol.
Exactly. The Rock got to where he was with no movies. He took over the world Jordan style...Michael Jackson style. Guy had shows and video games named him after in 3 years..icon status. That's unrivalled greatness. Can't no one touch that...Austin, Flair, Goldberg, Horsemen, nwo, Hogan, Macho, Warrior, Piper, Andre, Bruno, Cena, DX, one. It's unheard of.
Rock at his peak definit0y was bigger than Austin. When the fukk did Austin have a 2000 year? Ever? Couldn't be 99. Rock outgrew him. Couldn't be 98. 2000 made more than that.Rock at his wrestling peak was never bigger than Austin.
Overall fame? All time?
1a. Hogan
1b. Rock
2a. Austin
2b. Flair
Those 4 wrestlers and MAYBE Andre the giant are the only GLOBAL pop culture icons.
There is no fukking way you can sanely say Hulk Hogan is as famous as Rock in 2017Rock at his wrestling peak was never bigger than Austin.
Overall fame? All time?
1a. Hogan
1b. Rock
2a. Austin
2b. Flair
Those 4 wrestlers and MAYBE Andre the giant are the only GLOBAL pop culture icons. don't know Hogan like that.Rock's a way bigger movie star than Hogan ever was, but I'd say they're the same as far as star level in that you'd have to really avoid pop culture not to know who either one is.