This is true.....Outside of Professional Wrestling and his reality show on the E network, Hogan ain't shyt. The Rock eclipsed him a long time ago and managed to be successful into crossing over from wrestling to Hollywood in a huge impactful way.
So many wrestlers have tried to cross over and failed....but The Rock is an exception

We all knew he had a ton of charisma and was a superstar but I never imagined him dominating Hollywood like he has
And he can comeback and set records at Wrestlemania too if need to be.
Also, he doesn't have to live his gimmick 24/7 like Hogan.
Hogan is trapped into being "Hulkamania" for the rest of his life while The Rock could be "Dwanye Johnson"
Rock also got Ballers, has a show on TNT he produced, he gave The Fast & Furious franchise a shot in the arm to go on and break box office records