DNA evidence says so.
Only 38% of all men who have ever lived reproduced compared to 80% of women. So its more like 80% of women want 40% of the men.
Either way most men lose in the game of life.
Heard that stat before but there are a few things to consider:
War - during ancient times, the winners killed the men on the other side and then raped their women and gave em babies.
Boys in general were/are more prone to risk taking and more likely to die in preventable accidents. These things would reduce the population of men. Not to mention that many cultures required dowry payments and other displays of wealth. Men needed $$$$$/goats/land etc. while the woman just had to be young and alive. Lots of men got blocked out because they were broke boys.
Momma's baby/daddy's maybe - women ALWAYS knew they were the mother of the child that comes out of their womb but men could never be 100% sure before DNA testing.