The rich gets richer and poor gets poorer dynamic is reflected in modern dating game as well

May 16, 2012
are we talum bout rich = money?

You must not have seen jeff bezos' lady openly choosing up on decaprio right in front of him.

That money stuff is by and large meaningless with women.

> Looks
> Mouth piece
> Swagger

> Money

Money means you are a security blanket. A womans fire wont burn as intensly for you as it would for a man who is good looking and has some swagger and/or mouth piece

Women don't care about looks or money. They only care about where you rank in the male social hierarchy. AKA status. Leo's a world famous movie star so of course he can take Bezos girl from him. Just like in high school the star QB could take any guys girl no matter how the other guy looks.

Money just happens to correlate more closely to where men rank in society which is why most women go for the guy with the most money. Looks are only relevant when the woman has no idea where you rank in the male social hierarchy. But if she knows you're famous then it doesn't matter how you look.

Notorious B.I.G is taking any broke good looking guy's girl.
May 16, 2012
Women are freaks, best believe a broke ass Dicaprio (as long as he can spit some game) is going to eat, even amongst rich women.

Maybe when he was in his 20s. But Leo is now old and overweight. And yet he still gets young gorgeous supermodels.

Looks AKA genetic seed material is important to women. But it's not a deal breaker for them like it is for us. No matter how rich and famous Lizzo become no man with money is gonna wife her over some young smoking hot waitress. However, no woman is picking a young attractive waiter over Notorious B.I.G.

And that's the difference between men and women. For men looks is what matters. For women it's a bonus. They'll always take the rich famous ugly guy over the broke good looking guy any day.
May 16, 2012
There are men who look like dicaprio who fix refrigerators and no they are not getting the same reaction.

Fame >> Face >> Money

No. It's money/status and nothing else.

Women use looks simply as a qualifier. Meaning you now qualify to prove yourself as a competent provider. Women with options (AKA young and attractive) are not wasting their time with men who bring nothing but beauty to the table. Especially long term. Sure looks can get you laid as a guy in your teens and early 20s. But once you get past the college years the only women who'll let you be in a relationship with them as a broke good looking man are ugly fat women.

Go to the rich part of whatever city you live in. Go to the shopping centers or grocery stores. Then look at the middle age women. Compare that to the middle age women in the poor part of town.

The men in both sides of town are the same. Average looking. It's the women that are very different. I always am amazed by how much better shape the rich women are than the poor women. They know the only way they can keep their rich husband is to be in shape. And that's what they do.

If you think money isn't important then you're simply a broke dude trying to cope.
May 16, 2012
Heard that stat before but there are a few things to consider:

War - during ancient times, the winners killed the men on the other side and then raped their women and gave em babies.

Boys in general were/are more prone to risk taking and more likely to die in preventable accidents. These things would reduce the population of men. Not to mention that many cultures required dowry payments and other displays of wealth. Men needed $$$$$/goats/land etc. while the woman just had to be young and alive. Lots of men got blocked out because they were broke boys.

Momma's baby/daddy's maybe - women ALWAYS knew they were the mother of the child that comes out of their womb but men could never be 100% sure before DNA testing.

Read this article:

They accounted for wars and shyt. The numbers still didn't work out. The best theory is once we discovered agriculture some men ended up getting significantly more resources than others. So the women decided to mate with the guys with the resources over the guys who were broke.

It's simple evolutionary psychology. The goal of sex is to pass on your genes. The man with more excess resources has a better chance of providing for the children than the broke guy. So women will naturally reproduce with the guy who gives their offspring the best chance of survival.

You can cope as hard as you want but money runs this world. And women fall in line with whoever is running shyt.


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Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
Maybe when he was in his 20s. But Leo is now old and overweight. And yet he still gets young gorgeous supermodels.

Looks AKA genetic seed material is important to women. But it's not a deal breaker for them like it is for us. No matter how rich and famous Lizzo become no man with money is gonna wife her over some young smoking hot waitress. However, no woman is picking a young attractive waiter over Notorious B.I.G.

And that's the difference between men and women. For men looks is what matters. For women it's a bonus. They'll always take the rich famous ugly guy over the broke good looking guy any day.

Looks is more multi dimensional for women. So you’re graded on more than 2 or 3 things. If a chick just has face, ass and t*ts the dude is good

But for women it includes your height, face, jawline, eyes, lips, shoulder width, build and that’s just 6 things I can say off top.

A short dude with $100 million and looks like beetle juice is not more attractive than a hot waiter who looks like he walks on catwalks. On a raw visceral level is what we’re talking about here, not the calculations the woman is making about how he provide for her or give her the things

She’ll date beetlejuice for money and smash the hot waiter. At the same time. Usually how it goes
May 16, 2012
Looks is more multi dimensional for women. So you’re graded on more than 2 or 3 things. If a chick just has face, ass and t*ts the dude is good

But for women it includes your height, face, jawline, eyes, lips, shoulder width, build and that’s just 6 things I can say off top.

A short dude with $100 million and looks like beetle juice is not more attractive than a hot waiter who looks like he walks on catwalks. On a raw visceral level is what we’re talking about here, not the calculations the woman is making about how he provide for her or give her the things

She’ll date beetlejuice for money and smash the hot waiter. At the same time. Usually how it goes

Make a lot of money and then talk to me.

What you did here is classic projection. You projected your sensibilities as a man and projected them onto women. If you were broke and some ugly rich bytch tried to take care of you, you might be cool with it but you wouldn't be attracted to her on a visceral level. So you think it must be the same for women. You sir would be 100% wrong. There's a reason Lil Kim, Charli Baltimore, and Faith Evans were fighting over obese and ugly Biggie Smalls. For women money and status is a visceral turn on.

You're confusing a guy with money but nobody knows it with the guy who has money and everyone knows it. Sure if you're rich but nobody knows it you won't get any attention from women. Even worse if you try to stunt it won't work either as women will assume you are fugazi. However, when women know you have money it's crazy how different they act. You're simply talking like a guy who never made much money and is simply projecting his assumptions. If you want I can tell you about how some chicks from my past reacted after they found out I was making a lot of money. Let's just say Mike Jones wasn't lying when he said "back then hoes didn't want I'm hot hoes all on me."


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Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
Make a lot of money and then talk to me.

What you did here is classic projection. You projected your sensibilities as a man and projected them onto women. If you were broke and some ugly rich bytch tried to take care of you, you might be cool with it but you wouldn't be attracted to her on a visceral level. So you think it must be the same for women. You sir would be 100% wrong. There's a reason Lil Kim, Charli Baltimore, and Faith Evans were fighting over obese and ugly Biggie Smalls. For women money and status is a visceral turn on.

You're confusing a guy with money but nobody knows it with the guy who has money and everyone knows it. Sure if you're rich but nobody knows it you won't get any attention from women. Even worse if you try to stunt it won't work either as women will assume you are fugazi. However, when women know you have money it's crazy how different they act. You're simply talking like a guy who never made much money and is simply projecting his assumptions. If you want I can tell you about how some chicks from my past reacted after they found out I was making a lot of money. Let's just say Mike Jones wasn't lying when he said "back then hoes didn't want I'm hot hoes all on me."

Ok, how do you define “a lot” of money? What is that number to you?

I’m not denying that fame and money are attraction factors for women, but I think you are forgetting how women operate.

They will typically date a guy with money “seriously” while having side dudes and smashing men whom they are physically more attracted to. I’m speaking of the most desirable 7-8+ women. Anything a 6 or below won’t have the options to do that.

This is called the female dual mating strategy and it’s very well documented. It doesn’t stop at rich men. And if you think you’re the only guy she’s smashing because you have money you are in for a rude awakening :manny:
May 16, 2012
Ok, how do you define “a lot” of money? What is that number to you?

I’m not denying that fame and money are attraction factors for women, but I think you are forgetting how women operate.

They will typically date a guy with money “seriously” while having side dudes and smashing men whom they are physically more attracted to. I’m speaking of the most desirable 7-8+ women. Anything a 6 or below won’t have the options to do that.

This is called the female dual mating strategy and it’s very well documented. It doesn’t stop at rich men. And if you think you’re the only guy she’s smashing because you have money you are in for a rude awakening :manny:

You're right about some women trying to get the best of both worlds. They'll be in a relationship with the guy who has the resources but isn't that attractive while cheating on him with a broke guy who is attractive. However, that is a very risky strategy evolutionary speaking. Think about it. If the guy with the resources finds out you've been cheating on him then he's gonna assume the kid might not be his then the female runs the risk of the child dying of starvation and her not passing on her genes. So despite this being something women do it's less likely the richer the man is because she's got more to lose.

You have to stop thinking about sex from a male's perspective. We didn't evolve to look to women for survival. So you think women view physical attraction the way we do. They don't. You have to look at sex purely from an evolutionary perspective. When you do that it explains female behavior perfectly. It's why 3 famous attractive women will fight over Biggie Smalls while paying no mind to all the broke 6'5" guy with washboard abs. Men and women are totally different. You need to stop thinking we're anything alike. Yes some cheat. But the mere fact they give the ugly rich guys the official position as her man should tell you where she places her priorities.


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Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
You're right about some women trying to get the best of both worlds. They'll be in a relationship with the guy who has the resources but isn't that attractive while cheating on him with a broke guy who is attractive. However, that is a very risky strategy evolutionary speaking. Think about it. If the guy with the resources finds out you've been cheating on him then he's gonna assume the kid might not be his then the female runs the risk of the child dying of starvation and her not passing on her genes. So despite this being something women do it's less likely the richer the man is because she's got more to lose.

You have to stop thinking about sex from a male's perspective. We didn't evolve to look to women for survival. So you think women view physical attraction the way we do. They don't. You have to look at sex purely from an evolutionary perspective. When you do that it explains female behavior perfectly. It's why 3 famous attractive women will fight over Biggie Smalls while paying no mind to all the broke 6'5" guy with washboard abs. Men and women are totally different. You need to stop thinking we're anything alike. Yes some cheat. But the mere fact they give the ugly rich guys the official position as her man should tell you where she places her priorities.

Evolutionary pressures are not as pressing in 2023 industrialized countries. Most people won’t die of starvation if they piss off the wrong person off like in the past such as a king, a chief or a feudal lord. This is another reason why the population has exploded, it has become much easier to survive. So I don’t buy that argument.

I agree male status/rank is a strong factor for attraction, but they don’t necessarily need to be famous. In most cases, they’ll just date/marry the highest man within their own social group. In many cases, you’re seeing men whom no one would regard as “high status” at all still reproducing. And I see this everywhere just walking around the neighborhood

What is “a lot” of money to you? You never answered the question