The rich gets richer and poor gets poorer dynamic is reflected in modern dating game as well


Jun 1, 2012
Those were simpler times, arranged marriages gave pre historic lames and bums the opportunity to spread their seed before leaving the earth :wow:
America had/has their own version of arranged marriages. That's what the creation of the middle class was

The middle class is essentially open source arranged marriage. Cities are built and arranged for middle class living and consumption. People meet each other, get married and have kids that they raise to repeat the cycle

The creation of the middle class gave the average man a chance to build a legacy emulative of wealthier classes in earlier times

What's been happening for the last few decades is the middle class has been eroding, and more women have jobs men used to so those same average men have less prospects than they would have 30, 40, 50 years ago

The arrangement is scrambled

King Poetic

Soul Rebel
Feb 15, 2013
125th to Africa
Heartthrob? Never. Black and ugly as ever. However, I stay Coogi down to the socks. Rings and watch filled with rocks.

I remember one year he came down for How Can I Be Down and performed. ALL the girls that hung around my crew were straight up salivating. This was when Get Money was blasting everywhere. All I heard was omg Biggie, omg I love him, etc etc. Same thing with Big Pun later on.

Now, would Biggie and Pun get the same attention and cheeks if they were just random dudes off the street and not "Biggie" and "Pun"?


nikka.. flavor flav

Broads only wanted the lifestyle and the possibility of their own stardom

There’s 3,000 nikkas looking just like him and craig mack walking the streets this moment and chicks like:pachaha::russ::camby: nikka please .. then them same broads throwing their panties at kodak black and lil yachty
May 16, 2012
Evolutionary pressures are not as pressing in 2023 industrialized countries. Most people won’t die of starvation if they piss off the wrong person off like in the past such as a king, a chief or a feudal lord. This is another reason why the population has exploded, it has become much easier to survive. So I don’t buy that argument.

Unfortunately for us our brain and DNA doesn't know this. Why do you think most people in industrialized countries are overweight or obese? It's because our brain still thinks we live in 10,000 BC and we could starve at any time if a drought hits. So our brain still tries to store every excess calorie we don't need as body fat. If our brain knew it was the year 2023 and we had lots of food stored in the refrigerator then maybe it wouldn't store every excess calorie as body fat.

The human brain does not know that we no longer live in the same world that our ancestors evolved in for millions of years. It's why women still prefer tall strong men despite the existence of guns. And why men prefer women that aren't hoes despite the existence of DNA testing. Women can't turn off what they evolved to be attracted to just like we can't turn it off despite times changing.

And FTR what makes a man rich is relative to his social circle. So you're right on that part. The key to attracting women is to be perceived as being high value in whatever social circle she moves. It just so happens money is universal. So it'll always denote high status in almost every social circle.
May 16, 2012
Damn....that's a good point.

The only observable difference between richer and poorer men is what they drive and how they dress. Actual looks doesn't seem to be that different.

The Super Target and Walmart stores in my area are like 0.5 miles apart. Difference in women is night and day. Women with money spend a lot more time doing spa days, nail salon, spin classes etc. Poorer women look good off genetics.

Its not just that. If a woman is attractive she'll find a way out of the hood and into the rich part of town on some rich guys arm. Looks allow women to move up social hierarchies. It's why the only baddies in the poor part of town are young chicks who ain't figured out how to leverage their beauty yet. If a chick is bad at 35+ years old you best believe she's in the rich side of town.

While for men our looks are irrelevant to our rank in society.
May 16, 2012
That's why I mentioned dowry payments. Men with resources often got more women. Africa was ground zero for this since plural marriage was accepted in many societies. A man that could provide for 10 women can spread his seed more than a man that can barely afford one.

Flip side is that the rich man with 10 wives and 25 sons would either give up all his $$$ to the eldest son or divide it. Creating more broke-ish boys.

I'd imagine cultures with less plural marriage had a little more success with giving all men the chance to reproduce....ASSUMING there's a religious angle where women where seen as heauxs for sleeping around.

Exactly. The guys with the most money got the most wives. As a result they got the most sons. Also don't forget the benefit of alot of sons. You now have warriors who can fight on your behalf to protect your shyt and steal other peoples shyt. So more sons actually provides utility rather than taking from your wealth as the patriarch. Also lots of daughters means lots of dowry payments coming to you as the father once you marry them off.

Lots of children was a win for a man back in the day.
May 16, 2012
Heartthrob? Never. Black and ugly as ever. However, I stay Coogi down to the socks. Rings and watch filled with rocks.

I remember one year he came down for How Can I Be Down and performed. ALL the girls that hung around my crew were straight up salivating. This was when Get Money was blasting everywhere. All I heard was omg Biggie, omg I love him, etc etc. Same thing with Big Pun later on.

Now, would Biggie and Pun get the same attention and cheeks if they were just random dudes off the street and not "Biggie" and "Pun"?


Dudes can't fathom women being actually attracted to ugly fat men because of their money and fame.

Attraction is about survival. For example, why do men universally find the hourglass figure sexy on a woman? It ain't so we can have something to hold onto when giving a bytch backshots. It's because wide hips on a woman meant a wide birth canal for the large brain of the human baby to pass through. As men we can't help but be turned on by wide hips and a small waist. And the only reason we evolved to be attracted to it is because it helped our ancestors pass on their genes.

Women are the same way. They can't help but be turned on by power and resources. When a man has those things he can help her offspring survive which is why she can't help but be turned on.
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May 16, 2012
Super super attractive women rarely end up with a good looking dude

Cause they can attract very rich men. And that's typically what women want over just a guy who looks good but is average income.

It's typically the average looking chicks that end up with the best looking guys. I notice this all the time when I go to gyms in lower/middle class areas. Anytime there's a couple working out, the girl is always a couple of points less attractive than the guy she's with. If she's a 5 then he'll be at a minimum a 6 or 7. When a woman doesn't look at you as a provider she won't accept you being equal to her in looks. She expect you to be better looking than her. It's female hypergamy 101.
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Nov 19, 2013
If you are a catch,cream of the crop or just good at getting women, it's never been easier, you will be swimming in p*ssy and you don't even have to make to much effort either

However if you are average or below average, you are probably worse of than the average to below average dudes of previous generations
where there was no social media,reality TV and movies creating unrealistic expectations that men must meet.

The lack of internet,phones,video games,VR etc meant people actually had to develop social skills organically, get out of the house and meet people.

The rise in atheism has also removed one of the most common means of social gathering and community i.e churches, I would wager a lot of couples met eath other in church
back in the day

Even the data backs this up that men in general are lonelier than ever, have no friends, no place to go to socialise etc
People are lonely bc of casual sex, internet/poor social skills and social media/modern feminism