This is why the movie’s boring: outside of Bundini (Jamie), all of the supporting characters are flat.
By all accounts of everything I’ve read, Ali behind closed doors was actually quite reserved, quiet, and serious…meaning that Will’s portrayal was actually pretty accurate.
So if the protagonist is a straight man, everyone else around him needs to be dynamic. The only other character besides Bundini I can think of off the top of my head that had any “life” to them was Jada. I would say Giancarlo as Cassius Sr., but all I remember about him is that he was kee-keeing with Bundini.
(Off the top of your head, was Don King even really in the movie???

All the other characters in the movie take themselves too seriously, and it brings the entire movie down, and that’s the fault of the Director, and I think Michael Mann is one of the greatest Director’s of our time.
When I think of Malcolm X, every supporting character is memorable, and brings something to the movie.