The PS4 outchea raw doggin the game


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
Ok skyrim can have mods on xbox. But you can still play it on ps4 even in 4k on the pro.

Gravity Rush 2, Horizon, Last Guardian, Nioh, Persona. Are just a few of the games comimg out in the next couple monthes that you cant play at all on xbox. Not to mention all the shyt that has been anounced.

If you want new games theres only one answer. If you want old free games :scust:then maybe xbox gets it. But thats even debateable. Thats me bei g objective. I want to play the best new games. Doesnt mean i have sonys dikk in my mouth :francis:

Its not a matter of xbox "having skyrim", it also has fallout 4 and it will have every single game now and in the future with mod capabilities if Microsoft doesnt change their external asset policy (btw ps4 also caps mod size at 1gb, xbox at 5gb).

Sony is fukkin up so bad with its current mod policy. The moding community on consoles is in its infancy right now but it will grow very very quickly. Community mods add massive amounts of non stop value to games so you better believe most big developers will jump at the opportunity to add them to their games like Bethesda is doing and players will jump at the opportunity to mod their favourite games, mabey then Sony will pay attention.

Plus you're acting like Microsoft isnt realising new exclusive games, sea of theives, state of decay 2, crack down 3, forza 6 not to mention the big trilogies such as Halo which are still very popular. You might like that ps4 line up more but again thats you, I have a ps4 but im looking forward to crackdown 3 more than anything you've mentioned.


May 1, 2012
Despite sales the xbone offers the greatest value imo.

.the xbone allow external assets in their mods the ps4 doesnt, so games with mod communities will always have the greatest potential on xbone unless sony changes their mod policy

.you get to keep half of the games xbone gives to you per month even if your subscription runs out, you dont on ps4

.there is the option of bc which essential adds the value of another console and its library to the xbone, ps has no bc

.if you only own an xbone and ps4 youre given four games you can play a month due to games with gold and bc, on ps you only get 2 because there is no bc for ps3/vita games

Yea the ps4 has a wider range of good games but not everyone fcks with them, so you cant really say thats what makes the ps4 better than xbone unless youre speaking for yourself.

Im talking about objective value not your personal opinion. Get sonys dikk out your mouth and think for a second.

First remastered skirim is an "old game" at heart but alot of people will cop it because of its newly introduced mod capabilities on consoles, something that thrives on xbone and pc but suffers to the point were mod makers are watering down there mods just to port them to ps4 or not porting them to ps4 at all, same with the recent update of fallout 4. This is a major competitive advantage for Microsoft whether you choose to admit it or not and has implications for future games which will no doubt have modding communities.

Second despite how garbage you think some of the psn/gwg games are they are still valuable, people still enjoy playing them and Microsoft is actually giving half of these games to people for free unconditionaly whilst ps4 isnt, read that again "they are giving half of them away for free unconditionaly whilst ps4 isnt". It has nothing to do with money being a major issue, again the fact is Microsoft service is more value because they are actually giving more games away for free, instead of giving them away under specifc conditions.

Third BC is valuable regardless of what you think, its the additional function being offered that matters not what you personally think of the library. People love to play old games, thats why BC and emulators are even a thing, again you can fanboy all you want but a console with BC is a good thing and BC is a very valuable feature.

Its not a matter of xbox "having skyrim", it also has fallout 4 and it will have every single game now and in the future with mod capabilities if Microsoft doesnt change their external asset policy (btw ps4 also caps mod size at 1gb, xbox at 5gb).

Sony is fukkin up so bad with its current mod policy. The moding community on consoles is in its infancy right now but it will grow very very quickly. Community mods add massive amounts of non stop value to games so you better believe most big developers will jump at the opportunity to add them to their games like Bethesda is doing and players will jump at the opportunity to mod their favourite games, mabey then Sony will pay attention.

Plus you're acting like Microsoft isnt realising new exclusive games, sea of theives, state of decay 2, crack down 3, forza 6 not to mention the big trilogies such as Halo which are still very popular. You might like that ps4 line up more but again thats you, I have a ps4 but im looking forward to crackdown 3 more than anything you've mentioned.


:camby: :camby: :camby:


May 11, 2012
Its not a matter of xbox "having skyrim", it also has fallout 4 and it will have every single game now and in the future with mod capabilities if Microsoft doesnt change their external asset policy (btw ps4 also caps mod size at 1gb, xbox at 5gb).

Sony is fukkin up so bad with its current mod policy. The moding community on consoles is in its infancy right now but it will grow very very quickly. Community mods add massive amounts of non stop value to games so you better believe most big developers will jump at the opportunity to add them to their games like Bethesda is doing and players will jump at the opportunity to mod their favourite games, mabey then Sony will pay attention.

Plus you're acting like Microsoft isnt realising new exclusive games, sea of theives, state of decay 2, crack down 3, forza 6 not to mention the big trilogies such as Halo which are still very popular. You might like that ps4 line up more but again thats you, I have a ps4 but im looking forward to crackdown 3 more than anything you've mentioned.

Why do you keep bringing up mods like that's a deal breaker. this is a minor thing that affects less than 1% of games on consoles. If sombody is really worried about mods they should have a gaming pc.


Jan 22, 2015
Sony kilt Microsoft this Gen... and people thought because 360 got lucky and was a good system Microsoft would do it the same Microsoft that made Windows Vista :mjlol:


Jan 22, 2015
Xbox dropped more items then any new console brand in a short time span... Xbox kinect nomore... Xbox OG discontinued a day after 360 DROPPED lol..Xbox Cloud rants..didn't have thunder storms... Xbox prediction that Xbox One was future now its back to faith with Microsoft is only with Windows 10 lol


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
Why do you keep bringing up mods like that's a deal breaker. this is a minor thing that affects less than 1% of games on consoles. If sombody is really worried about mods they should have a gaming pc.

Alot of console owner have either fallout 4 or skyrim remastered so even though it doesnt effect alot of games yet, it still matters. Besides that, the point is that xbone actually has decent community mod policies and support whilst the ps4 doesnt, thats a fact.

Not everyone has the time or patiences to fck with gaming rigs, thats one reason consoles sell, they are convenient.

Mods? really my brother?

Plus the BC, better multi media functionality and higher value monthly offers. What can you say the og ps4 has over the xbone that doesnt include your subjective opinion about exclusives?