Never heard of this.

I've been CLAMORING for a new JRPG for Vita since I beat Persona 4 364 times... Looks like a definite cop.
They got an english trailer?
best I could find
its more action game than RPG tho. or I could just say action RPG but leans more to the action side. Think of the game like a take on Megaman mixed with Dynasty Warriors. You choose which stage you want to go at 1st then you get a power from that levels boss, and so on.
but yeah, big bosses, big levels.
it will be either 10 or 15 bucks.
but for another JRPG thats coming to the Vita, I'd recommend Rainbow Moon.
Gameplay is what will keep you playing along with a really nice soundtrack. Looks nice too. It should really pop on the Vita's screen. Story took a back seat tho. Legit 40+ hour game. I put 40 in until they announced the Vita version then I stopped so I could tackle the rest on it(the confirmed cross save).
They say it should be out in either November or December. Likely $15 as well.