The Powerful Nature of our music/ The destructive power of rap


Jun 4, 2012
im not mad at you, i just said the shyt you say sounds boring to me

lol, is this something you got from the rumor mill?

how is using the taxes that black people pay using white people's money? and what the hell is white people's standardization?
If you support a system that uses the control / funds of your former oppressor, and also uses the standards that are controlled by that same system you will fall into the same traps 100% of the time.

yeah i support obama because he's black and he does a decent job, and i make it clear when i agree to disagree with him, what does it mean to 'pretend to criticize'?
I don't agree he does a decent job.... I really though he would, but he hasn't.
if by that you mean i hate the rap industry, then yeah

but i dont hate black youth or black culture, just because i critique something doesnt mean i hate it, if i critique it is because i care about and want to improve it
you clearly want black youth thrown in the bushes... on top of supporting ideas that will divide instead of change them .
i posted the video where marcus garvey jr was explaining that theory, and he was also explaining how the religion you claim enslaved black people, are you still mad about that?
I'm not ignorant enough to believe that a concept or idea can enslave anyone. Garvey wasn't blaming the slaves.

capitalism is the key to making progress

and im not a muslim, im not a on jihad against western imperialism
Capitalism isn't the key, and I guess you believe that people on a jihad are the only ones against Western imperialism... Just so you know out side of c00nland - there are many people that feel western imperialism is wrong.
why the fuk would i care if it contradicts everything you care about, who the hell are you?
I was saying your ideas contradict the things you pretend to support..... like black people for example.

i dont know what this means, i dont fuk with conspiracy theories
Many times local politicians aren't truly the ones in control of the big picture or economic of a city or township... also they have little control of the culture.


Jun 4, 2012
what lies

What lies have I said

why do you rappers have to give to charity, the guy working at ford doesn't give to charity, whats the difference.

I don't live in the asian community so I don't know the dynamic, nor have I done any research myself on the matter to make a statement about it

dude said from some numbers he pulled out his ass thet asians make 10k more than blacks on average in this country
and I said, thats really not big gap
also I said where's the arab-american Oprah, or the asian-american Jay-Z, where is the Indian-American Bob Johnson
blacks achieve at a high level in this country
I see black doctors whenever I Go to the hospital because I live in a black area that is not poor

I never said it should be a base, but it could be if blacks organized the game

and no you don't need talent to eat in the entertainment field

the entertainment industry as a shyt load of jobs that have absolutely nothing to do with being talent

Jay-Z comment about Harry Belafonte has nothing to do with this, one stupid remark doesn't warrant the dismal of an industry
that has had made black people rich

I know people who own clubs, stores, and shyt like that, shyt is stressful, they live month to month like everybody else
except for the people were already rich and decided to open these business, the profit and loss doesn't affect them monthly

My whole argument is, blacks should not stop being athletes and entertainers just appease some motherfukkers who are jealous of the benefits of it

asians and arabs own business in the hood because we allow them too

I'd rather be Tech 9 status than a small business owner

but then again he is a small business owner himself

asian restaurants fail all the time like anything else
success and failure has to do with individuals with circumstances

how can I tell a nikka he won't make it in entertainment, thats entirely up to that person
word. And peace to you...

I would like to add that the downplay of our achievements- is just part of the game. Sad thing is many brown and black people are the main ones playing this game.

The game used to be to ban us from Every accomplishment bann us from achieving great things.. then when we do blow the city or people up (literally). Then they were forced to resort to only breaking up socially minded organizations and groups and killing leaders. Now they are forced to do this weak fake shyt.

In 40 years... what we've accomplished isn't perfect, but its underrated - I simply can't describe how much it is... There are blacks at every large corp, millions of students pursuing higher ed and increasing every year. So many of us make madd money off the books. We are in sports and entertainment -- and fyi many of those people do donate, many do have charities. .many are doing more than these so called shytt talking black elitist who do nothing but aid in the manipulation and downplay of black achievements.

Recognizing progress is part of encouraging more progress... so basically they can eat a dikk with all that negativity.
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May 25, 2012
Bronx, NYC
Hip-Hop does not play an important part in the Black communities problems, I think both critics and proponents of the "if only Immortal Technique got shine" stance overstate the power and influence of rap music.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
When I was younger I used to :cape:rap when this subject came up but the older I get, the more I realize how much of a negative impact it has on a lot of black youth.

The thing is, white/asian/whatever people tend to just look at hiphop as just entertainment, whereas a lot of black people think of it as their culture. You got kids out here that think aspiring to be a doctor/lawyer/scientist/etc. is for white people and real nyggas want to rap/ball/etc. Obviously that's a generalization and rap isn't inherently negative, but in practice I think it has a net negative effect on the community. The bigger problem is that black culture is anti-academic, but most rap/hiphop contributes to that.

Just my two cent.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
If you support a system that uses the control / funds of your former oppressor, and also uses the standards that are controlled by that same system you will fall into the same traps 100% of the time.

i consider tax money as my money, i have the right to say what its used for and so does every black person, the funds arent coming from my oppressor, its coming from my paycheck

my idea is to simply divert MY TAX MONEY from public schools to direct vouchers to black parents and to support administrators and educators that want to try new innovative ideas using the charter school system

and of course the schools that receive tax money have to meet standards and the students also have to meet standards, those arent white standards, those are global standards, and we are competing on a world wide venue, so our goal is to make sure black kids are operating at the top levels world wide when it comes to academics

at least my idea is coherent, you ideas are incoherent

lets look at your ideas, your idea is simple, increase money from what you call your former oppressor's money, and support the public school system which is controlled by what you call your former oppressor

I don't agree he does a decent job.... I really though he would, but he hasn't.

and that's fine, thanks for sharing your opinion, how does my opinion make me a hypocrite, do you have a problem with accepting diverse opinions?

you clearly want black youth thrown in the bushes... on top of supporting ideas that will divide instead of change them .

if saying that rap music should be thrown in the bushes means i think black youth should be thrown in the bushes then yeah

but that isnt what it means, saying rap music should be thrown in the bushes means rap music should be thrown in the bushes, period

there are 9 elements of hip hop culture, rap is just one of them, and we have a bunch of other types of music that are part of black culture and we can also invent new ones like we have always done

I'm not ignorant enough to believe that a concept or idea can enslave anyone. Garvey wasn't blaming the slaves.

garvey jrwas critiquing the africans that participated in the slave trade and he critiqued the technological development of the africans, the purpose of a critique is to improve so we dont make the same mistake twice

the reality is that you attacked me for saying the same thing that garvey said

Capitalism isn't the key,

there is no way you can develop any black community without capitalism and i would assert the definition of a ghetto or hood is one in which there is very little capitalism and the whole purpose of slavery and jim crow was to stop black people from particpating in capitalism, any community or nation that practices capitalism will increase its economic power

but its an open floor, feel free to explain how you think we can develop black neighborhoods and cities without capital markets, entrepreneurs, banking and financial systems and private property etc

and I guess you believe that people on a jihad are the only ones against Western imperialism... Just so you know out side of c00nland - there are many people that feel western imperialism is wrong.

that is true, ill give you that, there are a lot of people, that are "pro black" besides muslims that rant against western imperialism, and i dont go along with them either, i have a more nuanced view of western imperialism because i think that our being born in the belly of the beast of western imperialism is advantageous and i think we can use it to our advantage

i think our strategy should be to take over the american empire not to bring it down and i think the western principles of individual freedom and economic freedom are the way forward and we should adopt them

I was saying your ideas contradict the things you pretend to support..... like black people for example.

my views are pro black, its just its too next level for some people

Many times local politicians aren't truly the ones in control of the big picture or economic of a city or township... also they have little control of the culture.

and again, im not being personal but that type of mentality of blaming outside forces is a corny tactic that black detroit politicians have been using for 40 years, i just yawn when i hear it, i think we need new ideas and it seems aside from islam you dont really have any ideas
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God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
why do you rappers have to give to charity, the guy working at ford doesn't give to charity, whats the difference.

they dont have to give to charity, im just pointing out that a lack of education effects how people use their money and how they lead and speak even when they are trying to do well, and jay-z and dr dre are examples of that

don't live in the asian community so I don't know the dynamic, nor have I done any research myself on the matter to make a statement about it

dude said from some numbers he pulled out his ass thet asians make 10k more than blacks on average in this country
and I said, thats really not big gap
also I said where's the arab-american Oprah, or the asian-american Jay-Z, where is the Indian-American Bob Johnson
blacks achieve at a high level in this country
I see black doctors whenever I Go to the hospital because I live in a black area that is not poor

i think you are confusing anecdotal information with actual statistics,

here are the stats by race

so as you can see the notion that blacks are at the same level as asians is completely bogus, in terms of income and wealth asians are ahead, way ahead

I never said it should be a base, but it could be if blacks organized the game

sure but we havent and you are using the fact that a few black people make money from sports and entertainment as if we have hit the jackpot, when its really nothing compared to the money behind the camera and at the front office

and no you don't need talent to eat in the entertainment field

what do you mean eat, what yearly salary are you talking about?

from what i see only those with rare talent or skill make real money

the entertainment industry as a shyt load of jobs that have absolutely nothing to do with being talent

mos def, behind the scenes, and those jobs are dominated by whites

Jay-Z comment about Harry Belafonte has nothing to do with this, one stupid remark doesn't warrant the dismal of an industry
that has had made black people rich

the record industry has not made black people rich, its made a few black people rich and a bunch of white people wealthy

I know people who own clubs, stores, and shyt like that, shyt is stressful, they live month to month like everybody else
except for the people were already rich and decided to open these business, the profit and loss doesn't affect them monthly

im not sure what your point is, are you saying black people should or shouldnt open up clubs, stores etc? i dont understand

My whole argument is, blacks should not stop being athletes and entertainers just appease some motherfukkers who are jealous of the benefits of it

i think every individual should choose whatever the fuk they want, there is nothing wrong with being an athlete or entertainer, if that is what you love

my point is that that we need to shift our culture to focus more on academics because sports and entertainment arent cutting it, im not saying anything that is interfering with people that want to pursue sports and entertainment, in fact education would enhance people that went into sports and enteertainment and wuld give us more ways to get behind the scenes

asians and arabs own business in the hood because we allow them too

black people have zero control over business in the hood and its a serious mistake to let other ethnic groups control the local business in your community, black people "let" asians and arabs in the hood because they cant say otherwise and black people dont have the financial network and capital to open up their own business

I'd rather be Tech 9 status than a small business owner

but then again he is a small business owner himself

its a free country, people should do whatever the hell they want

asian restaurants fail all the time like anything else
success and failure has to do with individuals with circumstances

and as the chart shows asians are way wealthier than blacks

how can I tell a nikka he won't make it in entertainment, thats entirely up to that person

im not telling anybody not to go into entertainment if that is what they love, what im saying is that music should be positive and be uplifting to black people and black culture and that isnt where the money is, the money is in having a highly educated community


Jun 4, 2012
:ufdup: you've earned some shyt talking friend.... so.....
i consider tax money as my money, i have the right to say what its used for and so does every black person, the funds arent coming out of oppressor, its coming from my paycheck
my idea is to simply divert MY TAX MONEY from public schools to direct vouchers to black parents and to support administrators and educators that want to try new innovative ideas using the charter school system
and of course the schools that receive tax money have to meet standards and the students also have to meet standards, those arent white standards, those are global standards, and we are competing on a world wide venue, so our goal is to make sure black kids are operating at the top levels world wide when it comes to academics

at least my idea is coherent, you ideas are incoherent
First off, you don't have ideas... you want more of the same in a different packages when it comes to schools. Whether it's public or charter (which is public) it's the same. We have black ran, controlled, and tax funded charter schools that failed or ended up being homes for troubled youth ..... Funding goes down all the time, funding is reallocated - and either way the reality is that funds = control in every case. My Ideas about modeling our schools like the one that is in Chicago that I posted the video of - that isn't a charter school - is incoherent how??? It's the only solution, period. Anything else is just more of us begging whites to sit at their tables (pubic) or begging to sit at some sideline lil bootleg kid table in the kitchen they bought and paid for and only let us pretend to control.

LOL@ you believing that American students and the standards that you praise so much " those arent white standards, those are global standards, and we are competing on a world wide venue" - are actually competing at a global level. If Nigeria had IQ levels that were off the hook and great standards they still wouldn't be out doing American college graduates in standard of living and any other measure of success.... At least not right away. We aren't standardizing at a global level - which is why even with all our benefits we are being out done more and more each year by foreign students.

I just can't believe # 1 that you believe in the legitimacy of the Fed Reserve and the American Tax system. shyt is a scam breh, from TOP to BOTTOM. Someone like me has made 40K in 3 years doing random chickheads taxes on the side and collecting rat pus along the way... Some CEO is paying less taxes per year than your retard naive and dumb ass!, and If your lover Obama decides to randomly use my tax money to blow up some brown people around the world - I have no say so, and the people really don't have a say so. Unless you actually believe our political system isn't paid for by the same corporations that get away with Tax Fraud and fund the propaganda that has your dumb ass believing that your TAX dollars are yours to control. HA you are hilarious breh. :heh:

lets look at your ideas, your idea is simple, increase money from what you call your former oppressor's money, and support the public school system which is controlled by what you call your former oppressor
Not my idea at all... I just said if you're going to support publicly funded education then support systems that will For sure be available to the masses in a system that has proven in every study- to provide lower cost per student than charter schools. You can reform the standards and methods of what we have in place if you want to suck dikk for YOUR TAX money ... Instead of pretending that charters are a solution , when they aren't.

My actual solution is much different... I posted a video of it.... you can ignore if you chose to... but education funded by us is the only way... we can do it. shyt more black women spent (hundreds of millions more) on hair care than on books for our youth... we got the cash.... I've hit the streets with multiple organizations my entire life -- I know for a fact that it takes little effort to get black women and men to give to Great causes- contrary to what out of touch idiots think about black people we care about the youth.
and that's fine, thanks for sharing your opinion, how does my opinion make me a hypocrite, do you have a problem with accepting diverse opinions?
lol, Even Obama knows Obama isn't doing a good job.. he says its the GOP, but we know that's a lie. NTM all the rights violations. that's just disappointing
if saying that rap music should be thrown in the bushes means i think black youth should be thrown in the bushes then yeah

but that isnt what it means, saying rap music should be thrown in the bushes means rap music should be thrown in the bushes, period

there are 9 elements of hip hop culture, rap is just one of them, and we have a bunch of other types of music that are part of black culture and we can also invent new ones like we have always done
No you don't just think rap should be thrown in the Bushes, I may have forced you to fall back in your open opinions... but truthfully, your stance is that we leave the masses and/or disassociate with our most important group (youth) just because they're intrenched in urban culture. You view then the same way Glenn Beck does and you come up with random and pointless solutions that will alienate them at the expense of supporting horrible ideas of black elitist.
garvey jrwas critiquing the africans that participated in the slave trade and he critiqued the technological development of the africans, the purpose of a critique is to improve so we dont make the same mistake twice

the reality is that you attacked me for saying the same thing that garvey said
First off, I don't agree with everything Garvey said or did in his life. He is one of my favorites.... but either-way, he never blamed the victims and if he did he was as confused as you. I agree that we can't make the same mistake twice...
there is no way you can develop any black community without capitalism and i would assert the definition of a ghetto or hood is one in which there is very little capitalism and the whole purpose of slavery and jim crow was to stop black people from particpating in capitalism, any community or nation that practices capitalism will increase its economic power

but its an open floor, feel free to explain how you think we can develop black neighborhoods and cities without capital markets, entrepreneurs, banking and financial systems and private property etc
You don't develop the hood in a capitalist society without capitalism... Just because that's the reality doesn't mean that capitalism isn't a grossly manipulative and exploitative system - it clearly is both of those things in every sense. Every leader from MLK, Newton, HAmpton, to X realized that,, why can't you. I bet uncle ruckus loves capitalism as well.... :whistle: "don't trust dem nikkas ova derr suckin up all the white mens airrrr" I bet u love that tune because at least it's not rap.


Jun 4, 2012
that is true, ill give you that, there are a lot of people, that are "pro black" besides muslims that rant against western imperialism, and i dont go along with them either, i have a more nuanced view of western imperialism because i think that our being born in the belly of the beast of western imperialism is advantageous and i think we can use it to our advantage

i think our strategy should be to take over the american empire not to bring it down and i think the western principles of individual freedom and economic freedom are the way forward and we should adopt them
There are people that are neither pro black nor Muslim that speak against western imperialism. Your support of it.. lol not that you actually supported it. You watched the porn / jacked off about the shyt but never have went out and fukked w it........,, Aka you've never been in the military. Someone who supports something the way you want Western imperialism to nut in ur face - should have at least served in some capacity. fukk. Even I served for damn near a decade, had buildings blown up w me in them n shyt..... I can't respect people who stan things they aren't ready to die for. I'm down for black people regardless of anything, seriously anything.... ... someone like you will go str8 :mjpls: if shyt hits the fan.
my views are pro black, its just its too next level for some people
I have a aunt like u.. she talks maddd shyt.. she asked me to read all these Condi rice and other black people books that weren't really my style... Trust me your ideas are nothing new.... they are not next level... they are on the level of the table.. Only your eyeballs can see the food over the edge of the table and that's good enough for you.. because you actually believe that if you stare at the food long enough and sit were 'they ' are sitting, eventually you and your people will eat. That shyt just isn't true, breh.. Your eye ball level because there is no fukking chair for you... it was never meant for you to sit at that table... you can only pretend to be a part of the dinner convo. There are better ways. Not building a table using their wood n and their blueprints that you worship. There will be a thread created soon (not by me) were I will explain.
and again, im not being personal but that type of mentality of blaming outside forces is a corny tactic that black detroit politicians have been using for 40 years, i just yawn when i hear it, i think we need new ideas and it seems aside from islam you dont really have any ideas
Why do you speak on Detroit so often if ur not from detroit???
First off I never mentioned Islam as a solution... posters on here know that I'm a Muslim so for some retarded reason- it has to come up in this context. I don't even speak to the Islam in real life, don't go to Mosque, mine is personal... not pushed onto others. You are deflecting your lack of legitimate points and realistic solutions by saying that I don't have any outside of Islam. First off I have real life things that I'm not gonna say on here..... but even if I didn't, I know that your imperialism loving, blaming blacks for every situation, retarded education solutions, and over all detachment from black youth isn't what we need and I'm glad someone like you will more than likely never have any importance or place - unless there's a c00n and tiaras pageant you want to participate in. :whew:


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
First off, you don't have ideas... you want more of the same in a different packages when it comes to schools. Whether it's public or charter (which is public) it's the same. We have black ran, controlled, and tax funded charter schools that failed or ended up being homes for troubled youth ..... Funding goes down all the time, funding is reallocated - and either way the reality is that funds = control in every case. My Ideas about modeling our schools like the one that is in Chicago that I posted the video of - that isn't a charter school - is incoherent how??? It's the only solution, period. Anything else is just more of us begging whites to sit at their tables (pubic) or begging to sit at some sideline lil bootleg kid table in the kitchen they bought and paid for and only let us pretend to control.

i dont have a problem with the chicago school, in fact my whole point about vouchers is to make it so that black parents get the money to send their kids to private schools

and there are black ran, black controlled tax funded charter schools that succeed, what s your point? funds can go either way but im just saying this is how i think the money should be spent, like i said before i never suggested that my idea was to make completely independent schools, i think schools should subject to regulation and standards, my bad if i didnt make that clear

and i also think if you try to be creative and innovative you will run into failures, so i dont see a failure of a one school as a killer, i think you have to look at the overall trend of charter schools and vouchers

LOL@ you believing that American students and the standards that you praise so much " those arent white standards, those are global standards, and we are competing on a world wide venue" - are actually competing at a global level. If Nigeria had IQ levels that were off the hook and great standards they still wouldn't be out doing American college graduates in standard of living and any other measure of success.... At least not right away. We aren't standardizing at a global level - which is why even with all our benefits we are being out done more and more each year by foreign students.

i dont see what you point is, every country is competing against each other, that is my point, i have no idea what the hell nigeria has to do with anything

I just can't believe # 1 that you believe in the legitimacy of the Fed Reserve and the American Tax system. shyt is a scam breh, from TOP to BOTTOM. Someone like me has made 40K in 3 years doing random chickheads taxes on the side and collecting rat pus along the way... Some CEO is paying less taxes per year than your retard naive and dumb ass!, and If your lover Obama decides to randomly use my tax money to blow up some brown people around the world - I have no say so, and the people really don't have a say so. Unless you actually believe our political system isn't paid for by the same corporations that get away with Tax Fraud and fund the propaganda that has your dumb ass believing that your TAX dollars are yours to control. HA you are hilarious breh. :heh:

i think you are getting confused, you said that the money for charters and vocuhers is coming from my oppressor and i said no the money is coming from my paycheck

i dont see how anything you said disproves that the money for schools isnt coming out my paycheck

if you dont believe in the tax system and the fed, then dont, that has nothing to do with anything i was saying, i was simply sharing my opinion that tax dollars should be shifted away from public schools into charters and vouchers, i dont think that tax dollars are directly under my control, obviously they arent but i can express my opinion of how the the tax dollars should be spent

but thanks for sharing your conspiracy theory, it was fascinating

Not my idea at all... I just said if you're going to support publicly funded education then support systems that will For sure be available to the masses in a system that has proven in every study- to provide lower cost per student than charter schools. You can reform the standards and methods of what we have in place if you want to suck dikk for YOUR TAX money ... Instead of pretending that charters are a solution , when they aren't.

i think you should stop right there and sit down after your little rant, you sound incoherent, you cant make a rant when i express my opinion about how tax dollars should be spent and then turn around and try to tell me how tax dollars should be spent

My actual solution is much different... I posted a video of it.... you can ignore if you chose to... but education funded by us is the only way... we can do it. shyt more black women spent (hundreds of millions more) on hair care than on books for our youth... we got the cash.... I've hit the streets with multiple organizations my entire life -- I know for a fact that it takes little effort to get black women and men to give to Great causes- contrary to what out of touch idiots think about black people we care about the youth.

and that's fine i agree that private schools are a good idea that is the reason i support vouchers, your idea is not contradicting my idea

lol, Even Obama knows Obama isn't doing a good job.. he says its the GOP, but we know that's a lie. NTM all the rights violations. that's just disappointing

thanks you for sharing your opinion, but i dont see how my support of obama makes me a hypocrite, i can respect your opinion of obama, it doesnt other me at all, but for some reason you call people's names for having a different opinion about obama

No you don't just think rap should be thrown in the Bushes, I may have forced you to fall back in your open opinions... but truthfully, your stance is that we leave the masses and/or disassociate with our most important group (youth) just because they're intrenched in urban culture. You view then the same way Glenn Beck does and you come up with random and pointless solutions that will alienate them at the expense of supporting horrible ideas of black elitist.

that is just your interpretation of reality, but again the purpose of my critique was to improve the culture

First off, I don't agree with everything Garvey said or did in his life. He is one of my favorites.... but either-way, he never blamed the victims and if he did he was as confused as you. I agree that we can't make the same mistake twice...

i didnt say you had to agree with everything garvey said, my point is that people can agree to disagree, you dont have to call people's names just because they have a different opinion

and that you are calling me a c00n for saying the same thing garvey jr said (it was garvey jr not garvey)

You don't develop the hood in a capitalist society without capitalism... Just because that's the reality doesn't mean that capitalism isn't a grossly manipulative and exploitative system - it clearly is both of those things in every sense. Every leader from MLK, Newton, HAmpton, to X realized that,, why can't you. I bet uncle ruckus loves capitalism as well.... :whistle: "don't trust dem nikkas ova derr suckin up all the white mens airrrr" I bet u love that tune because at least it's not rap.

i respect all those people but the reality is that none of them achieved anything in terms of economics, all their achievements where in politics and philosophy and theory, so to be straight up i wouldnt take economic advice from them

and in fact the leader that produced the most economic improvement was garvey, who used capitalism to develop his ideas
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God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
There are people that are neither pro black nor Muslim that speak against western imperialism.

yeah and? why would i care about those other people, i was just speaking in terms of black people and western imperialism, i was simply acknowledging the point you made that it was more than just muslims that are against western imperialism
Your support of it.. lol not that you actually supported it. You watched the porn / jacked off about the shyt but never have went out and fukked w it........,, Aka you've never been in the military. Someone who supports something the way you want Western imperialism to nut in ur face - should have at least served in some capacity. fukk. Even I served for damn near a decade, had buildings blown up w me in them n shyt..... I can't respect people who stan things they aren't ready to die for. I'm down for black people regardless of anything, seriously anything.... ... someone like you will go str8 :mjpls: if shyt hits the fan.
I have a aunt like u.. she talks maddd shyt.. she asked me to read all these Condi rice and other black people books that weren't really my style... Trust me your ideas are nothing new.... they are not next level... they are on the level of the table.. Only your eyeballs can see the food over the edge of the table and that's good enough for you.. because you actually believe that if you stare at the food long enough and sit were 'they ' are sitting, eventually you and your people will eat. That shyt just isn't true, breh.. Your eye ball level because there is no fukking chair for you... it was never meant for you to sit at that table... you can only pretend to be a part of the dinner convo. There are better ways. Not building a table using their wood n and their blueprints that you worship. There will be a thread created soon (not by me) were I will explain.

for the record i was in the military

but honestly i have no idea what the hell you are talking about with your aunt, condi rice and eyeballs on the table :laugh: you need to stop rambling

Why do you speak on Detroit so often if ur not from detroit???


First off I never mentioned Islam as a solution... posters on here know that I'm a Muslim so for some retarded reason- it has to come up in this context. I don't even speak to the Islam in real life, don't go to Mosque, mine is personal... not pushed onto others.

ive seen you mention islam and how it makes economic sense for black people to join it, you fell back on a lot of that gibberish because there is a lot of anti muslim sentiment here

First off I have real life things that I'm not gonna say on here..... but even if I didn't, I know that your imperialism loving, blaming blacks for every situation, retarded education solutions, and over all detachment from black youth isn't what we need and I'm glad someone like you will more than likely never have any importance or place - unless there's a c00n and tiaras pageant you want to participate in. :whew:

and thats fine, im not interested and going back forth with insults, im just have 2 major points 1) making a critique of black culture or africans is not something negative, you can critique something if you are trying to improve it 2) capitalism is important in developing prosperous black neighborhoods

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Black kids strive to be doctors lawyers, and all sorts of random shyt. Ask them what they want to be and it's in line with what most lil kids want to be. The situation takes a turn when they start to fall into the American black experience. I'm no exception to any rule in the sense that my aspirations were higher... The only exception is that I had good role models... NTM drug dealers drove me to school n shyt so I didn't have to go through the task of trying to be hard or something I'm not.... I could take honors classes copy off my homegirl (who is now a black girl w like 900k and single -go figure)... but not have to live the life and deal w the BS. Either way, no kid should want to be like me, cuz I'm a triflin and grimy dude... but black kids should strive for more. I don't think they have to ignore hip hop to do that.
There are hardly any kids who want to be doctors lawyers salesman, engineers, etc that don't listen to hip hop. All these Asian kids have hip hop on their mp3... they still are successful equal to their effort level. Effort doesn't always equal success in the black experience....

Also immortal technique isn't garbage.

Also, it is all about money if you are poor and in the hood. You have to get yours fukk everyone else.. and what is the fastest way to get it. That is a natural reaction to those cards being dealt to u at birth.
Immortal Technique is garbage.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
I was going to jump in here but I just can't, I can't.


Jun 4, 2012
Immortal Technique is garbage.
how so? He has some of the best messages in rap and outside of rap he's a beast with ideas.

only here online have I heard that opinion... ignorant people don't even listen to him.... no one else says he's garbage. Even on his first couple albums when his flow was worse, he wasn't garbage.