12% of the electorate was black in the recent election; it was 13% in 2012. There is simply no feasible political pathway for an "all black" political party to gain any power in this country because of basic math. You don't have the bodies to get anything accomplished outside of smugly sit around and pat yourselves on the back. Even in minority cities. Let's just hypothetically say an all black party took over Detroit and became mayor. What does the party do with downtown, where whites predominantly spend money? What does the party do if the government of Michigan decides to restrict money to the city due to the political situation?
You don't have any power brehs. Playing dress up and forming a political party doesn't change that. Instead of fantasizing about nationalist bullshyt how about you focus on the communities you actually have, the neighborhoods you actually live in, and start holding your actual politicians accountable. How about we push back against black churches that endorse corrupt, do-nothing black (and white) politicians and instead look for ones who meet our interests...
And what are yall doing btw?
I go to my local Big Brother Big Sister mentoring program all the time and I'm the only young black man there. I see plenty of white people there mentoring. This is anecdotal so it's not meant to drive home some large point. But what I am saying is that there are plenty of things you can do in your community RIGHT NOW instead of waiting for fantasies to happen.
Look at what Asian Americans are doing in California, and how they vote. When an Asian takes a local house or senate seat, that seat remains Asian no matter what. They vote in blocks based on specific policy demands. For instance they're focusing on dismantling affirmative action now. I'd love to see that same type of organizing in black cities. Every 2 years there are local and midterm elections that black people categorically do not vote in. That determine judges, sheriffs, prosecutors...all the shyt that directly impacts the community. And black voters simply do not show up. You know who shows up? Old white people.