The plight of Blacks under Obama

Blacks doing better with Obama in Office or worse?

  • Better?

  • Worse?

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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Once cac politicans saw a black man actually won the office, they got scared as shyt.

Doing shyt that no other president would have to deal with it if they were white.

And the blatant disrepect, security failures, and passive (Sometimes blatant) racist rhetoric is disgusting.

And the fear in return has made many of these cacs take shyt out on common blacks even more.

He can't be militant Obama because they'd really shyt a brick (and he never would have been elected anyway if he was).

He's trying to be professional, and they still disrespect him.

I think his presidency has opened many of our eyes on where we truly stand because much of it was hidden or concealed before he took office. Once he became president cacs showed their true colors.

I thank him. Because now because of him, I KNOW WHERE I STAND.

His presidency should be a wake up call to get our shyt together. Stop letting the media, tv, radio etc continue to keep us pacified with the minstrelity we are spoon fed daily. We aren't the ones really eating off it and even worse these c00n messages are fukking up the minds of our youth.
All of this :salute:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
An small example of such: Obama pledging $75 million for 50,000 cameras....when there are 765,000 officers in the nation. Not even 10% of officers will have cameras on them.

A bone here, a bone there, apparently that's all it takes to prevent black ppl from taking legit action or for Obama to avoid legit criticism from his most loyal constituency.
You know those are FEDERAL dollars for FEDERAL COPS which have to be matched by states and local jurisdictions if they even can come together to pass such legislation.

You dudes know nothing about how the federal government works or funding or separation of powers, but pretend Obama just has cart blanche to issue any edict he wants on any topic at any time.

Stop looking for ways to make this about how much Obama hates black people.

John Hull

You can’t see me!
Jun 6, 2012
Studio gangstas
I now realize why cacs were so giddy about electing him. They knew that would be upheld as "The End Of Racism", and a lot of naive blacks bought into it. They were just trying to exorcise their white guilt, and they did it. :skip:

Truthfully though, I think that Trayvon shyt was the beginning of the violent agenda we're seeing today. That was the test run for the extinction agenda. We slept that. if Zimmerfukk was found face down in the Everglades somewhere that would have sent a better message than all this protestin.

Obama just trying to lay low till next year and protect his legacy, he gon leave all this black shyt for the next guy to sort out :mjpls:

Birnin Zana

Honorary Wakandan
May 26, 2012
You know those are FEDERAL dollars for FEDERAL COPS which have to be matched by states and local jurisdictions if they even can come together to pass such legislation.

You dudes know nothing about how the federal government works or funding or separation of powers, but pretend Obama just has cart blanche to issue any edict he wants on any topic at any time.

Stop looking for ways to make this about how much Obama hates black people.

Lol right on queue.

You know damn well what I and others are talking about. I'm not going to have a back and forth with you. Good day.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
When Obama was elected into office, I cried. I thought I never see the day a black man would be in office. I didn't expect systemic change overnight but I expected a voice. Clinton's had more of a voice for Black People than Obama. Hell, Michelle has done and said more than Barack has. The nikka's a puppet and I feel shytty I didn't see it from the start. :pacspit:
Why because he played the saxophone on Arsenio Hall?

Clinton presided over the largest period of mass black incarceration of any President on history and actively supported by pushing for draconian "tough on crime" legislation, 3 strikes laws, mandatory minimums at a federal level. And his economic policies were more neoliberal than Obama.

Regarding the OP, he's an ignoramus and has no perspective and any grounding in facts and just spews emotional, decontextalized hate any time Obama is discussed.

Legit criticism of Obama, and there is plenty to be made, is obscured by irrational, non-fact-based invective of that kind.

Without delving too far into minutia for now, you accurately assess any president by what they did with context to the situation and time they were in, not in a vacuum.

That being said, comparative to other presidents, including Clinton who didn't really do shyt but ride the wave of the tech boom and Greenspan's expansive monetary policy, Obama's done fine on economics considering he came into offense at the trough of the worst recession in 70 years and faced a Senate who literally changed their standard practice with respect to the filibuster rules just to stymy his presidency.

Obama's worst points of his presidency are his administration's callousness toward the rule of law as it pertains to civil liberties and drone bombing.

He should be commended for healthcare reform (should've gotten more, but still a good program) which is giving millions of people, many of them black, affordable healthcare coverage and access, for setting the tone for a new approach to the drug law, greatly reducing the crack disparity, commuting drug sentences, and for his DOJ's approach to tackling civil rights violations by local law enforcement more than any of his predecessors.
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Nov 8, 2014
Why because he played the saxophone on Arsenio Hall?

Clinton presided over the largest period of mass black incarceration of any President on history and actively supported by pushing for draconian "tough on crime" legislation, 3 strikes laws, mandatory minimums at a federal level. And his economic policies were more neoliberal than Obama.

Regarding the OP, he's an ignoramus and has no perspective and any grounding in facts and just spews emotional, decontextalized hate any time Obama is discussed.

Legit criticism of Obama, and there is plenty to be made, is obscured by irrational, non-fact-based invective of that kind.

Without delving too far into minutia for now, you accurately assess any president by what they did with context to the situation and time they were in, not in a vacuum.

That being said, comparative to other presidents, including Clinton who didn't really do shyt but ride the wave of the tech boom and Greenspan's expansive monetary policy, Obama's done fine on economics considering he came into offense at the trough of the worst recession in 70 years and faced a Senate who literally changed their standard practice with respect to the filibuster rules just to stymy his presidency.

Obama's worst points of his presidency are his administration's callousness toward the rule of law as it pertains to civil liberties and drone bombing.

He should be commended for healthcare reform (should've gotten more, but still a good program) which is giving millions of people, many of them black, affordable healthcare coverage and access, for setting the tone for a new approach to the drug law, greatly reducing the crack disparity, commuting drug sentences, and for his DOJ's approach to tackling civil rights violations by local law enforcement more than any of his predecessors.

The Clinton line was more or less a jab at the lack of attention Obama has paid to black social issues (I won't call it civil rights because that invites LGBT issues which I'm not talking about). What I bolded I can't argue with whatsoever, the amount of shyt he has taken is immeasurable. He has done what he could with the cards he was dealt. All I wanted was a voice and all we got was silence on a number of incidents.

I feel like once he's out of office, he'll ramp up and people will accept him with open arms but right now while he's in the chair, he should have been saying say something.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
The Clinton line was more or less a jab at the lack of attention Obama has paid to black social issues (I won't call it civil rights because that invites LGBT issues which I'm not talking about). What I bolded I can't argue with whatsoever, the amount of shyt he has taken is immeasurable. He has done what he could with the cards he was dealt. All I wanted was a voice and all we got was silence on a number of incidents.

I feel like once he's out of office, he'll ramp up and people will accept him with open arms but right now while he's in the chair, he should have been saying say something.
Obama's DOJ revitalized the Civil Rights Division and did more than any administration in recent memory for fighting against racially discriminatory state voting laws. His DOJ is currently investigating 17 police departments for civil rights violations. They put the hammer down on the Ferguson PD, called them out for systemic racism and demanded they structurally change over a fixed period of time or face an already prepared civil rights lawsuit that would essentially shut them down. He has Eric Holder doing what needs to be done behind the scenes.


Nov 8, 2014
Obama's DOJ revitalized the Civil Rights Division and did more than any administration in recent memory for fighting against racially discriminatory state voting laws. His DOJ is currently investigating 17 police departments for civil rights violations. They put the hammer down on the Ferguson PD, called them out for systemic racism and demanded they structurally change over a fixed period of time or face an already prepared civil rights lawsuit that would essentially shut them down. He has Eric Holder doing what needs to be done behind the scenes.

Do you have some links I can read on this?

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
So much bullshyt in such a short post...

Blacks are politically at our weakest point in history.

I'd say we were weaker politically when maybe...I don't know, we couldn't legally vote?

Blacks are brutalized and jailed at higher rates

Nah. Police brutality has always gone on. People just have phones with cameras on them everywhere now. Not sure what you expect a president to do about that, and if you do have solutions, such as mandatory body cams for example, you would need to hold all previous presidents to same standard of not stopping police brutality as you are the current one, as police brutality against black people has been a constant since day one.

As far as black people being jailed at higher rates, wrong again.

blacks are actually "regressing" in wealth creation.

Yes, but everyone's wealth creation is regressing except the top income brackets. Black people are a subset of "everyone."

Racial animoisty is at an all time high and threatens to literally rip the nation apart.

I'd say racial animosity was higher say, during slavery and jim crow...maybe just a tad.

Are you blaming the first black president for white racists expressing their racism in a more covert manner though? You sound like some Fox News pundit.
Truly troubling times for the nation.

Anyways, it safe to say Obama's presidency just helped the gays and the feminists.

In what way did he help "the gays and feminists" as opposed to or at the expense of black people? Was there some type of gay and feminist stimulus package that went unreported?

What say ya'll?

Make better posts.


Nov 8, 2014

Just went through most of the first link like OK, but how are these investigations anything other than wasting resources and filling shelves with paper? until the quote from the former police chief who says they actually help gut the system:

But Robert McNeilly, the former police chief in Pittsburgh, whose department became the first major department subjected to federal oversight in 1997, told The Washington Post that there could be some “unnecessary alarm” over the DOJ’s investigations.

“There is no doubt it was an enormous help because dramatic change happened so quickly,” he told the Post. “It changed the culture of the entire organization. We became more accountable.”

It remains to be seen if other departments will change or remain progressive but I stand corrected. Obama actually is doing something about this bullshyt :salute: