Just wondering. What's boring to you? Maybe I missed it in between the "yall dikkriders" posts.
-extremely repetitive mission design (extract this prisoner, eliminate this guy, etc.)
-janky controls (something MGS always had but its more glaring the in the more recent entries, especially TPP)
-bullet sponge enemies (how does an enemy take 10 shots to the chest and is still skirming alive on the ground

-not a "true" open world (you're still funneled through most places and have to go through guard posts, which there are only two different places to attack from most of the time)
-motherbase is a waste of time and space. MGS4 had a more efficient system in acquiring weapons and customizing them. adding rpg mechanics just slows everything down and turns it into a grind. having to play side missions to level up my r&d or whatever section is boring and repetitive as fukk
game bored me to tears. literally the most boring game i've played since the original dragon age