Man, get the fukk outta here

Many open world games are after a while. It's a symptom of the nature of so much freedom in a game. Doesn't keep you as focused.
stupid comment. ground zeros is NOTHING like mgs5That demo was Boring as shyt to me. So I won't cop this for a long time
Mgsv has a lot of cut scenes it's just a lot of them are spaced out in between long game play which is sublime.I got a question, for all the dummies crying about there not being enough cutscenes. Have you listened to all the audio tapes? Because I'm willing to bet the same people who are complaining about the lack of 20 minute cut scenes haven't even bothered with the 2 - 5 minute tapes that give you a TON of story information which you can listen to as you travel from location to location.
If you don't like the side missions...don't do them. They're SIDE MISSIONS. If all you want is main missions and cut scenes then stick to the main missions.
Gamers have no freaking clue what they want these days.
Exactly everything in here isn't dumb collectibles like pigeons in GTA iv or shards in your typical open world title.All open world games aren't created equal
This game isn't just a map filled with pointless collectibles so you can "have something to do"
Everything on the map serves a purpose.
It's pure gameplay... the most gameplay of any MGS game. Easily the longest action adventure game that I've ever played in my life.So this game got rid of the long drawn out cutscenes, i might have to look into it now
it really isn't once the hype wears off
yall dudes are still so swept up in the hype and glowing reviews and 'kojima's swan song' BS that you can't see the game for what it is