The percentage of men between ages 18-30 with zero sex partners tripled from 08-18

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Because we don't have the problems going down in this thread


That post was a direct response to something a woman said in this thread :gucci:

Most your posts in this thread is throwing passive aggressive shots at a dude for having no accountability when he been saying it’s him and not women’s fault the whole time. :unimpressed:

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013

That post was a direct response to something a woman said in this thread :gucci:

Most your posts in this thread is throwing passive aggressive shots at a dude for having no accountability when he been saying it’s him and not women’s fault the whole time. :unimpressed:

1. You asked a question and I answered
2. I was direct not passive. I hold him directly it was his fault.
3. It is his fault. Why are all women's on planet earth responsible for his sex life? Lol


All Star
Jun 13, 2015
I don't know why dudes WANT to be in the game at all. It's not like the old days when I first came up when a chick could have a little experience but wasn't ran through. Now it's either you're getting a sheltered virgin or someone with extremely limited experience or a complete thot. There's no in between. There's no middle ground of people who have fun dating and just chilling. Everyone's fukking or no ones fukking. My homie was bragging to me about him and another friend of mine were passing this chick back and forth for months like a football. I'm sitting there like :mjtf:shyts nasty. If I can avoid fukking a chick my friend also fukked I'm gonna do that. Coworkers at my old job ran through the chicks who didnt date or the ones who did date and it never worked out. There was a girl who was fukking everyone in that place before I got there. Then I turn around and my unemployed homie is dating her, unbeknownst to him :snoop:. Any time I hear war stories I just assume it's some town bike that everyone's been on at this point. p*ssy is extremely valuable on the internet but here in real life it's more like a stick of gum.


Living the dream
May 16, 2012
I don't know why dudes WANT to be in the game at all. It's not like the old days when I first came up when a chick could have a little experience but wasn't ran through. Now it's either you're getting a sheltered virgin or someone with extremely limited experience or a complete thot. There's no in between. There's no middle ground of people who have fun dating and just chilling. Everyone's fukking or no ones fukking. My homie was bragging to me about him and another friend of mine were passing this chick back and forth for months like a football. I'm sitting there like :mjtf:shyts nasty. If I can avoid fukking a chick my friend also fukked I'm gonna do that. Coworkers at my old job ran through the chicks who didnt date or the ones who did date and it never worked out. There was a girl who was fukking everyone in that place before I got there. Then I turn around and my unemployed homie is dating her, unbeknownst to him :snoop:. Any time I hear war stories I just assume it's some town bike that everyone's been on at this point. p*ssy is extremely valuable on the internet but here in real life it's more like a stick of gum.
Ehh, there is good and bad. Depends on the crowd. Overall, if someone is on social media nonstop and is constantly bombarded by a certain demographic...

or if in real life, is surrounding themselves with undesirables, shyt happens.

ive been here for a minute.

Everyone should do better.


Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Nah I just am super technical in my approach. I have protocols/routine. I always get high/or am high to go out and get new strange irl. I also use apps as well like Pure that are explicitly for sex in addition to regular ones. I'm a candidly logical thinker, and predicated on efficiency, as a result I don't slow down to smell the roses on the day to day, because I'm focused/concerned/occupied with my objectives/tasks/goals. I can be social when I'm in the mood and people gravitate towards me when I'm engaged. It's usually off of intellect, dry/dark humor/wit which stems from my cynicism, and mild apathy. When I get high my intelligence switches from logical to social, and I swing to the inverse of my usual self, I can tap into logic, but it's almost like pausing enjoying the moment to think. I get more eccentric/playful/flirtatious and can more or less get sex 80% of the time, but's not me being that Breh (I'm 5'8'' 165, lean working on getting cut up/shredded, but regular in the face) I'm just keen to social cues, body language. So I can read the women who are mentally preoccupied, anxious, looking for someone to notice them, or already horny/in a nasty mood, and there's an in for all of the situations, and I just fit the bill in terms of attitude delivery (ie. "You look like you need a smoke", "What's wrong?", "Aye can't front you looking like type of trouble I'm tryna get into".) The delivery + genuine content/current ease/warm vibes, has like an 85% closing rate.

I understand how to play and am very precise in my approach. Not a volume shooter. Only take high percentage shots. My easiest lay to date, was off crossfade in Downtown LA on a work trip. Bagged a chick on street after leaving a bar near the Standard by simply starting to walk in rhythm with her playfully after I'd finished crossing the street as she was passing the crosswalk (I synced it up bc I noticed her up the before the walk sign turned so I had to walk with a bit of pace to sync up meeting her so she could see me coming in advance), and I opened with a plain how's you night and wry smile. Had convo about nothing for 2-3 mins while I walked towards my hotel and she just kept walking with me. It had been over but I put an exclamation point on it by being playfully lazy on my closing line.

Bossino: "You know with all this walking you gotta be thirsty, I got hella water in my room :mjgrin:"

Girl: "You know that sounds good :queen:"

Just like the movies soon as I opened my room we were all over each other. The kicker is when she left afterwards as I walked her out she

I don't think I'll ever meet a new chick and close faster than that. Start to finish 8-9 minutes top from meeting her to freaking in the room. Like it was an extremely fortunate setup with the bar being a couple blocks from the Hilton, and her coming from the Standard when I was heading back to the room.

Caught 6 bodies that month, but I go through droughts/gaps but I'm usually not trying/interested. It comes in spurts but in sobriety I'm not willing to put the work in more often than not, and also won't shoot any risky shots.
Not gonna lie bro, you'd probably make a good criminal or serial killer. I could see why women would like you.
Nov 18, 2016
I already told you that I wasn't interested.
This cat is relentless