The percentage of men between ages 18-30 with zero sex partners tripled from 08-18


Judge me by my heart not my hairline
Jan 5, 2017
There's no solution, standards either get dropped or the divide grows to the point where interactions up to the advent of social media will be a relic of the distant pass, we're slick there now. Barring the elimination of social media (won't happen too much money it) it's over largely. People think money/better economy fixes this, but honestly the sex might go back up but relationships I think have changed for the foreseeable future. When I'm on an app and I see a broad is pansexual or something I think about all the woman who've quietly fukk a gay guy or are pragmatically pans but move in shadows. If your a traditional man outside of occasional casual encounters (if light work/easy) I'm not really pressed for anything same way @Undead Ban is content, unless something that checks all my boxes comes across I'm not changing a damn thing and will only get more closed off as my finances, age, and quality of life go up.

People already said ITT, Japan status, birth rate is already lowest in like 35 years, but that's not necessarily a bad thing I'd argue there are more definitively bad parents then definitively good ones so.

This is a copout, it's a symptom/side effect, not the root cause. If anything dudes are finding happiness and validation their with harming anyone. Some assign their self worth to how much money they got, some how much women, some how good they are at a craft/hobby. Gaming is a hobby that brings dudes comfort. This is the same as the "video games are making people more violent argument" as opposed to movies, news, gun culture, and general confrontation attitudes in Amerikkka.

But see old heads and fellow coli brehs want to ignore stats when it explains the bs that goes on.
Aug 3, 2017
Since dating apps are superficial, the upper echelon attractive dudes getting a majority of the matches and attention. So depending on dudes aim and time management skills he’s pretty much picking them off at will lol. This differs from a physical social setting because things would be a bit more balanced... a lot of women would not sweat that same guy all at once so youd have an opportunity to make your presence known
This is what I've been saying, that the real winner of the dating apps world are the upper echelon men and losers 5-6 men. Previously, a lower level 4-6 woman would have settled for a 4-6 lower man and be happy. Even if she saw the attractive 8-9 man at the grocery store, she would say that he was out of her league.The upper echelon man knows he his good looking and used to bag 8-9 women. Now the 4-6 women believe she can have that 8-9 man by "approaching/swiping" him on the app due to virtual proximity and can now ignore the 4-6 man, The 8-9 man who would never accepted a 4-6 woman can now go bust a quick nut on her due to virtual approach/swiping and dump/ghost her the next day. Now include feminism, women empowerment and independence etc. An imbalance is created and a lot of 4-6 men are being left out and feel bitter.
Previously, the upper echelon attractive dude didn't have time and logistics to manage all these broads (get dressed, go to dates, clubs,etc), he had to be choosy. Now he could have access to these broads by just chilling on his toilet bowl. Dating apps provided him with scale.

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
Life’s a bytch on her period. Have mercy on me y’all. I ain’t judging I just don’t think your young adult years should be comforted by escorts. I think you must become the best you to get women. My opinion. I think that’s how you end up 40 and stabbin trannies in the face to death when you don’t build endurance in your young adult years with women.
As somebody who actually saw escorts in my early 20's and lost my virginity to an escort I would not recommend it to everyone.

But the little confidence I do have came from seeing escorts.

It allowed me to see that p*ssy is not the end all be all to the world and it shouldn't define who I am as a man.

My self esteem was so low I was under the impression that even an escort wouldn't want to have sex with me.

She would take one look at me and immediately slam the door in my face.

But when they didn't do that it made me realize "well damn maybe I'm not as ugly as I think I am"

I told the first escort I saw I was a virgin and she didn't believe me. Told me I had to grab her ass to prove I wasn't a police.

After that she really was asking me how it was possible that I was a virgin.

That changed my perspective on my appearance.

My first kiss was with a escort and she initiated it.

I know it sounds disgusting, and it is, but that's my truth.

We were all finished and she hops off the bed throws her arms around me and starts making out with me. I've already paid and was tryna leave.

That also changed my perspective.

Experiences like that boosted my confidence and allowed me to not place so much value on attention from women.

All that anger and resentment I had for women went away.

I was like
"This is what I've been so angry about?
"This is why I feel inadequate?"

If I didn't see them I would still be a virgin to this day and I would be a lot more angry and resentful about it.

I don't see them anymore because it's too risky for my career but I know for a fact I could never have sex again in my life and I wont be stabbing anyone in the face in my 40's.

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
As somebody who actually saw escorts in my early 20's and lost my virginity to an escort I would not recommend it to everyone.

But the little confidence I do have came from seeing escorts.

It allowed me to see that p*ssy is not the end all be all to the world and it shouldn't define who I am as a man.

My self esteem was so low I was under the impression that even an escort wouldn't want to have sex with me.

She would take one look at me and immediately slam the door in my face.

But when they didn't do that it made me realize "well damn maybe I'm not as ugly as I think I am"

I told the first escort I saw I was a virgin and she didn't believe me. Told me I had to grab her ass to prove I wasn't a police.

After that she really was asking me how it was possible that I was a virgin.

That changed my perspective on my appearance.

My first kiss was with a escort and she initiated it.

I know it sounds disgusting, and it is, but that's my truth.

We were all finished and she hops off the bed throws her arms around me and starts making out with me. I've already paid and was tryna leave.

That also changed my perspective.

Experiences like that boosted my confidence and allowed me to not place so much value on attention from women.

All that anger and resentment I had for women went away.

I was like
"This is what I've been so angry about?
"This is why I feel inadequate?"

If I didn't see them I would still be a virgin to this day and I would be a lot more angry and resentful about it.

I don't see them anymore because it's too risky for my career but I know for a fact I could never have sex again in my life and I wont be stabbing anyone in the face in my 40's.
Breh I’ll tell you right now bytches don’t get easier. Numbers game pimpin like makin real ass friends who got your back. NUMBERS.


Oct 9, 2012
How can they not when you look at some of the responses in this thread.

Dudes said men who don't get p*ssy destroy civilizations and that has one of the most daps in this thread.

Nevermind any other accomplishments you make in life, if you can't get p*ssy you are playing a part in destroying the modern civilization.

That's the way in which society pushes the importance of sex.

But on the other hand somebody will come in here and say p*ssy isn't really important.

Well which is it?

Either it's so important that if you don't get it, you are a terrorist to modern civilization or it's trivial.
Human beings are fickle, so I wouldn’t take stock in what other people think about you
Oct 22, 2017
Golden Era/Drama free Zone
I think things will get worse until sexbots are indistinguishable from human beings in appearance and intelligence (maybe in 100 or so years from now)

then brehs will be marrying their Rihanna T-1000s and the crime and suicide rates will plummet drastically

the alpha males and rich will still reproduce so I don't think the population with decrease much

but yeah, this is the only fix.

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
Breh I’ll tell you right now bytches don’t get easier. Numbers game pimpin like makin real ass friends who got your back. NUMBERS.
You're right.

It is a numbers game and I wouldn't advise anyone who's having trouble with women to see escorts.

They should go about it trying to have normal healthy relationships with women.

I'm just sharing my experience.


Oct 9, 2012
I think things will get worse until sexbots are indistinguishable from human beings in appearance and intelligence (maybe in 100 or so years from now)

then brehs will be marrying their Rihanna T-1000s and the crime and suicide rates will plummet drastically

the alpha males and rich will still reproduce so I don't think the population with decrease much

but yeah, this is the only fix.
Good idea for a sci fi movie

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
Human beings are fickle, so I wouldn’t take stock in what other people think about you
I remember dudes like Kent and EDP being posted on here and people would always say they should work on themselves, build their confidence and go for women in their league.

Once they did that and actually got girlfriends in their league they continued to clown them and say their women were ugly and fat and were literally counting down when they would break up with their significant others.

Misery loves company.
Nov 18, 2016
I remember dudes like Kent and EDP being posted on here and people would always say they should work on themselves, build their confidence and go for women in their league.

Once they did that and actually got girlfriends in their league they continued to clown them and say their women were ugly and fat and were literally counting down when they would break up with their significant others.

Misery loves company.
that's the point
it's always going to be something
who cares


la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017
i think the internet should make it easier to find a woman to want to fukk you.

i know it has for me. smashed some chicks i met playing games online or on a dating app in my early 20s, i've since moved on from that dating app life because those some hoes... but no reason it should be easier.

problem with a lot of these young dudes is they're like Kent and they can't have a conversation with women online even without talking about WWE or their favorite anime or video games or some other shyt they don't give a fukk about.
Better technology doesn't translate into better social skills


Jun 20, 2013
I don’t think that is has to do with certain men not being able to get sex or women but a desire to have more discretion and not just slinging dikk around. Within the ‘high value women’ talks, there are men who will refuse to entertain or have certain standards and do stick to them hard body. Not everyone is willing to fukk any women who is ttrowong them the p*ssy. And There’s a lot of men in their 30s Within the investing/trading community who just don’t care about women as much, especially within crypto which can definitely affect your social life if it’s one of your main focuses.

Also, distractions like video games which most are non sexual can definitely suppress or kill any desire for sex or the opposite sex as it’s a distraction, that for the most part is isolated from easy access to visual things that can kick off that horny desire.