The percentage of men between ages 18-30 with zero sex partners tripled from 08-18


Oct 25, 2017
So Cal
I agree.
...but ponder this: what happens when they come too late?
The numbers were seeing seem to show that is what may be what’s happening.
I think that’s the question that will be answered in time...

This is precisely why I have a set deadline, and every chick I've come across I had a convo about hates it, because if there are no safety nets/cleanup dudes it puts pressure on broads to look for something serious sooner, and they don't want to do that without some fun, or aiming for the stars before realizing they'll never get past clouds. I'm an outlier, but I will say more and more dudes are getting to my mindset/realization that if she probably wouldn't fukk you from 18-25, it's probably a bad shake for you to date her 26-35. It will inevitably be more about her seeing an impending wall and you situation now being acceptable (finances, etc.) when it previously wasn't.

I wonder if average men and average women will start to pull back, invest in one another, build each other up, and be willing to partner up with each other financially to build their own family units. Away from IG, internet, echo chambers, porn, Twitter, excuses. That’s the only way this is going to work.

This would require people to not care about the opinions of others/not allow the masses to influence them and the vast majority ain't built like that, hence the term "the masses". To your earlier point it's not finances it's the expectation of them. I'll go two/three weeks without talking to women my age, because hearing the term "broke boy" IRL is always cringe when it's coming out of the mouth of a woman who'll fukk for weed and shopping money and lives at home with her parents, and no prospects or a useless degree, or a good degree and crazy debt. Like imo it's borderline insanity or flat out sociopathy for broads to shyt on dudes with equal or slightly better finances because they don't have beaucoup bucks. That shyt happens though. Being broke doesn't make you fat, ugly or permanently broke/unable to advance with time especially in formative years (18-25). But there are standards more prevalent with women predicated on finances. I don't approach IRL, bc I know I currently can't close as I'm with my parents. I move out in the fall but I know won't cold approach more with a place, because I just don't believe in gratifying random broads like that anymore. I'm just gonna finish working on my body in the spring/summer, get nice professional picks and use apps that can get me easy sex, and a few dating apps to develop a fwb roster. Unless, the woman captures my attention in a :dwillhuh: fashion (usually impossible unless she's shown wit, intelligence, good music taste, etc. Looks alone don't move anymore), only way I'm talking to a woman irl from scratch (not a fellow student, or a person who frequents one of spots hang that is cordial) is if she sends choosing signs

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
It's always been like this though, imo the biggest thing happening goes into something you said with the more online access to hollering at women there is a bigger occurrence of getting rejected and most men can't deal with rejection

A second thing I've noticed and there's no way to say it is guys hollering at women way out there league, dudes act like average/below average broads ain't got good p*ssy:yeshrug:

The problem is average women are making it hard for the average men since they getting so much attention as the super model chicks we see.


Oct 25, 2017
So Cal
I feel like you have to be deformed or very unfortunate lookin. Other than that no excuse imo. Yeah coli brehs weirder than me.

Youre one of the most bitter people in this thread tho :gucci:

All your posts reek of a woman who is frustrated herself with the dating game because you constantly see attractive men who don’t approach you and you don’t have the confidence to initiate it yourself so you blame men for being scared :umad:

She's been one of them obtuse, blameless, non accountable posters that doesn't acknowledge responses that call her on the bs she's spewing. In other words she's an average woman. Regardless of where they stand on this in damn near every guy ITT has acknowledge their struggles or been relatively honest with their situations and how their perspective led them to their stances. She's the very type of women you described which is kinda the main woman alluded to in this thread. Feel entitled/deserve/have a preference for more, but they don't get it, but somehow it's 100% mens fault for not living up to expectations. Broad hasn't even shot a shot to get have a chance at rejection. Try to bully men into want you, brehettes

What’s the point in wealth if you can’t fukk bytches?
I don't know comfort, peace of mind, impacting the world in a positive way? Moreover if you got wealth bread you'll be able to fukk bytches, whether not they actually remotely care about you is the catch 22. But not gonna lie responses like your remind me that everyone has a different pecking order when it comes to priorities.

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
This thread is still going on?

Its simple. Men aren't being taught to do the things they used to do to get women. Partly because of the economy, but also because a lot of what they used to be taught could lean sexist, so it has been outlawed without any replacement.

Hollering at a chick? Cold approach? Not being afraid to go in for a kiss or physical contact on a date? Being assertive when wanting sex? Not trying to be sensitive? Being chauvinistic and not putting her on a pedestal?

Nowadays those things can be shunned upon for being potentially insensitive, creepy and objectifying (and hey, they can be, I'll be honest). But they worked though.... and we didn't replace it with anything else.

i do this when I go out. I noticed a lot of guys really get mad when you be talking to chicks. They insecure as if they like you or something it’s weird. I remember last week when I went out on st Patrick day at this bar that was swole. Talking to chicks and pulling some. Some random dude telling me I cannot do that. :mjtf: I’m like nikka who are you is that your girl or wife he told me no. I’m like wtf mind your damn business. :mjlol:


Judge me by my heart not my hairline
Jan 5, 2017
nikka i knew shyt was fukked when i seen a bytch with down syndrome pull a regular aight looking nikka.

when i was in college non of these bytches was fukking with nikkas thats there level they was punching way way above they weight

highschool was the last time when girls liked you for you.

then i came out into the world and seen that wasnt the case at all.

my self esteem and confidence is still hurt from this.

ask any nikka my age where they go to get p*ssy and they guna draw a blank. they just messaging bytches but we all gettin left on seen.

if me and my girl break up i wouldnt even know where to start. i would have to get a new job where im around bytches or go to church or somthing.

Let coli nikkas tell you that it's all about game and confidence. This ain't the 90s and 2000s anymore. Hell it ain't even like the early 2010s these days.

Remember when people would say fat white women are for dusty black men?

Now I see fat white women booed up with tall cacs that are off their level.


Jan 28, 2013
nikka i knew shyt was fukked when i seen a bytch with down syndrome pull a regular aight looking nikka.

when i was in college non of these bytches was fukking with nikkas thats there level they was punching way way above they weight

highschool was the last time when girls liked you for you.

then i came out into the world and seen that wasnt the case at all.

my self esteem and confidence is still hurt from this.

ask any nikka my age where they go to get p*ssy and they guna draw a blank. they just messaging bytches but we all gettin left on seen.

if me and my girl break up i wouldnt even know where to start. i would have to get a new job where im around bytches or go to church or somthing.

Sad but true.

What’s even sadder is exes who switched up on you and got siddity but years later they still haven’t found the fantasy they were looking for and they posting subliminals about you. One of mines was singing Avant First Love on IG when that was our song but I pretended like I didn’t see it :yeshrug:


Oct 25, 2017
So Cal
I got like 4 brehs justifying the whole paying for p*ssy process like it’s cool. Do y’all but if you have to defend your stance on something taboo. For the most part you know it’s wack for a reason.

No one said this, people in fact stated that they don't see why it's something to brag on, but if something a breh feels he needs to do or something a breh wants to do/prefers, more power to him. Not directly hurting anyone. And you making blanket statements and looking down your nose at folks when folks helped you and actually didn't clown you (like myself) and tried to genuinely help you. It's a bad look, and ironic coming from you in particular, but I mean you get to choose how basic you are as person, while hypocritical I've seen mad people grow from a point in their life, then turn around and shyt on people in the same position they were, as opposed to pass on knowledge, or show understanding. Wouldn't make you the first or last hypocrite, you can state your perspective without completely shytting on that of others, unless of course you're insecure, because then a difference of lifestyle of opinions threatens your comfort/being

:yeshrug: Food for though, broadie


Judge me by my heart not my hairline
Jan 5, 2017
Yeah but son, women aren’t as cut and dry as sports stats. Men boil attraction down in a very logical way: height, muscles, jawline. Women are literally about whatever feels good at that moment. No woman has ever thought “wow I really like this guy... but let me pull out my ruler and see if he has a 90 degree jaw before I let him smash.” bytches aren’t NFL scouts. Attraction is not as black and white as black pill makes it seem.

Those things may be true, but it explains why a woman will look at one man like :shaq::gladbron::whoo::noah: this and other like :scusthov::demonic::camby::beli::mjtf::gucci::scust::picard:.

Not to make this a pity party or a whole woeisme thing, but I get those later reactions most of the time and the black pill explains why.

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
No one said this, people in fact stated that they don't see why it's something to brag on, but if something a breh feels he needs to do or something a breh wants to do/prefers, more power to him. Not directly hurting anyone. And you making blanket statements and looking down your nose at folks when folks helped you and actually didn't clown you (like myself) and tried to genuinely help you. It's a bad look, and ironic coming from you in particular, but I mean you get to choose how basic you are as person, while hypocritical I've seen mad people grow from a point in their life, then turn around and shyt on people in the same position they were, as opposed to pass on knowledge, or show understanding. Wouldn't make you the first or last hypocrite, you can state your perspective without completely shytting on that of others, unless of course you're insecure, because then a difference of lifestyle of opinions threatens your comfort/being

:yeshrug: Food for though, broadie
Breh yes I shytted on notion of paying for p*ssy because that brings comfort. Will shyt on the thought of defending it. I’m not attacking anyone personally. Nor bein a hypocrite, I bare my soul here. We should all strive to improve. If I can go thru droughts so can anyone else muthafukkas! It’s a numbers game.


Oct 25, 2017
So Cal
Breh yes I shytted on notion of paying for p*ssy because that brings comfort. Will shyt on the thought of defending it. I’m not attacking anyone personally. Nor bein a hypocrite, I bare my soul here. We should all strive to improve. If I can go thru droughts so can anyone else muthafukkas! It’s a numbers game.

As long as the bolded is true, then carry on I guess.

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
As long as the bolded is true, then carry on I guess.
Brehs in my alerts. I’m just sayin we should have pride. Where’s the pride and confidence in paying? I understand famous brehs who don’t want problems. Us 9-5ers, besides drugs and other accomplishments. This is our highlights. I didn’t have my first kiss and girl til 19. I don’t want to hear the bullshyt if y’all ain’t deformed nor obese. I’m nothing fukkin special. shyt I took 2 Ls on the day before Valentine’s Day and the week following. Life’s a bytch. You know how good it feels to be on a losing streak but bouncing back??!! I’m probably a 5 or barely 5 on the scale. If I can catch Ws, I know y’all can too.