The thing with these custom builds is that they are not super easy to put together. I’m not looking forward to taking it all apart and then putting it all back together again. I already had to redo the cpu water block installation like 3 times because there are absolutely no instructions on how to dismantle my mobo. The ekwb instructions just said, “remove heatsinks.” You can’t just take off the heat sink. You need to know which screws to unscrew and in which order because there are parts within parts. Took me forever.
Luckily, I don’t have to measure and recut the acrylic tubing. That’ll save some time at least.
But now, when I rebuy the same mobo, I’m going to have to also get a cheap test bench case and cpu fan I’ll never use except to test the mobo and ram. There’s no way I’m building this shyt again without testing everything I can first.
So I’m probably looking at $1300 more over what I’ve already spent, which included scalper 4090 prices.
A pre build wouldn’t have looked as cool or performed as well, but it would have saved me a lot of time and money.