Take a look at the power supply while it’s on. Make sure the fan is operating properly and throwing out air.Can anyone provide some pointers for this issue my friend is facing. He built a new system a few weeks ago(Ryzen 5 2700X, GTX 2080 Ti, Asus Rog Crosshair Hero VII, 16GB DDR4 RAM). Lately his system will shut down randomly and at first I said it's gotta be something overheating. The Power supply is an 800w Plus Gold I believe. His CPU was overclocked at first but I set it to default clock speed, and monitored the temps in game and after about a few COD matches while the game was finishing and showing the scores the system shut down. The GPU temp was around 71~74c and CPU lower. He has adequate cooling(4 front case fans pulling in air, top case mounted fan blowing air out as well as rear exhaust fan. He had one mounted directly underneath the GPU on the bottom of the case blowing in air so at first I told him try removing it because I wasn't sure if the GPU wasn't blowing out air but it seems like it's pulling in air so removing that bottom fan didn't make a difference really.
What could be the issue? I couldn't stay much longer to check it out but it couldn't have been the temps since I saw the temp right before it shut down and it wasn't near the rated temps(89c for the GPU I believe.)
Well ventilated area of course. Does it usually happen when he is in a game or it has happened when he has just been on the desktop?