Yeah shytting on Bethesda was the right call, i think they get it now and hopefully Bethesda understands what people want from them.
But Obsidian was always low tier. I say low tier because despite New Vegas being a decade old, the issues with New Vegas appear in Outer Worlds, showing that Obsidian didn't evolve as developers. It's not that they needed a bigger budget they needed better direction.
For example the Dead Money DLC which i consider there best product, felt like a better game then everything else in New Vegas.
Obsidian can only do one thing right by default which is dialogue, but they even turn that into a negative with bad animations, models, and just general bloat, some characters talk too much yet have nothing relevant/interesting to say, which encourages players to skip conversations.
There games are boring to go through as well, there environments are big for no reason, with bad art, poor or no loot, boring to explore. There combat has no feedback to it, enemies don't respond to being shot instead a number shows up. In New Vegas combat was pointless cause speech was overpowered and there was nothing to shoot at.
Also there speech system is broken and boring. Just pick the speech option and you win no actions required. Add that with bloated conversations, just skip until you see the speech option and done you win.
I feel like Obsidian has more in common with Telltale, then with Bethesda. Obsidian cant do any of the things that make Bethesda games good.
Outer Worlds copying Borderlands was another mistake. Borderlands is only fun with co-op, so Outer Worlds is Borderlands without the Co-op or loot