As a JRPG player I know what happens when you get someone to review a game and that style game doesn't appeal to them. Happens to JRPGs all the time. Some games have a niche appeal and if you're in that demographic you'll love it and if you aren't you won't like it.This is nothing but an elaborate excuse.
This is a GAME. So people will compare it to other GAMES and compared to other games its lacking in almost evey aspect other than graphics.
Even if we excuse everything else and call it a "movie game" its still lacking compared to other games which have much more to offer.
Sure you can say its an enjoyable experience, but yes it is objectively a bad GAME.
If some guy that all he plays is Madden, Call of Duty, GTA, and Assassin's Creed sits down with Disgaea 4 and says it's garbage does that really make it a bad game? There's a difference between something actually being bad and it not appealing to a person.
The Order succeed well at creating the interactive movie experience. The problem with that is most gamers don't want an interactive movie they want a fully fleshed out video game and that's not what this is. It should be judged for what it is not what people want it and all games to be and it shouldn't be judged by people who fundamentally have a problem with what it is. Same thing happened to Beyond Two Souls.