The Official XBOX WON Thread - News and Info

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Just grabbed a rechargeable energizer battery pack with 4 AA batteries for $12. I can't believe people are paying Microsoft $30+ for the proprietary battery pack :snoop: has the proprietary packs for $8 :mjpls:
I usually don't give my advice here, but I figure I would for those who want to buy games cheap.

It's clear that the xbox one is not doing as well overseas...take advantage of this opportunity. If the game was released in the UK, check the price on before buying on I was able to grab the thief limited edition for much cheaper even after the £4.95 shipping, you don't pay VAT on either. GAME has games cheaper than they are on here as well from time to time, take a look out there if you don't mind waiting a few extra days to get your packages.

Make sure you check with your bank as to how they handle the fees as well, my bank only charges me 1% on whatever I usually anywhere between 25 cents to a dollar on top of whatever the price is for video games.
Possibly good advice, but I'm guessing that is a PC thing you was doing and just applied it to a console
My question/issue is the fact that Thief has been on sale everywhere about a month after it dropped.
Was offered for half price on the xbox dashboard and never really went back up. I seen it for as cheap as $10 during the black friday, xmas sales. Even on the dash it was something like that. How much you pay for it?
DX 12 is not going to do much, if anything at all for the xbox one. I wish fanboys would just drop that shyt already.

Phil Spencer even touched on it
Now you sounding like a fanboy here :camby: Phil Spencer isn't the man behind Direct 12, isn't more knowledgeable about how it works than people who actually work on it. Its not wise to have tunnel vision bruh :stop: things were said before and after Phil's comments. Why ignore that? It was immediately cleared up that Phil doesn't know what the fukk he's talking about there. And because people online wanna say they like him, he then is beginning to get this 3cept NEOGAF type of cult following where anything he says is FACT. Lets see what was said by Microsoft AFTER PHIL to which Phil never then re-came back to say "No, I'm right, they wrong" Here's what you wanna ignore. Oh, and if you understand what DX 12 does for XB1 then you wouldn't be saying what you just said. You sound crazy :mjlol:

As you can see, Phil Mispoke. that was cleared up the next day. But when you don't wanna know the actual facts, wanna fanboy up for your console or PC.. You miss the real info.

And here is Phil backing up what I just posted...

^^^ So they hope to have XB1's streaming to PC's to free up the TV's :leon: ^^^
That sounds a shyt ton better than streaming to a fukkin Vita :mjlol:
When did we have pandora? :wtf:
Its been there for months already bruh. shyt happens so often nikkaz miss things. On a daily basis I check out the game and app section of the store. Because games drop on there that I don't see advertised online.
Wireless Headset anyone? It's getting really annoying that I can't seem to find a good solution to this.

I refuse to buy wired at this point.
They all wireless bruh. If you getting a next gen joint? I mean, maybe it plugs into your wireless controller
Its not something noticeable or a problem. If you want just headphone and nothing else?
Well, using your own advice I found these...

:eat: Mr.Moderator


Jul 1, 2012
Just started screenshotting things to test it, but there isn't a way to share them to the outside word yet. Hopefully the options there when this becomes available to everyone in March

Tic Tac T O

Registered User
May 2, 2012
Just started screenshotting things to test it, but there isn't a way to share them to the outside word yet. Hopefully the options there when this becomes available to everyone in March
Upload studio is all snazzy now. Haven't got a chance to really mess with it yet though