Dope. Coming out soon too. I'll be on late night that day to try her out. Kan Ra ain't really my type of character with all the zoning shyt. I think the 2.2 update comes out that day too
Not beeb playing my XB1 lately, but decided to play CODAW and it asked me for the disc.
Have i got it worng in thinking that I thought you didnt need the disc to play XB1 games.
If you're in the preview program you'll get into the Halo 5 beta starting tomorrow
Microsoft so based
Check your Xbox live messages.
Aye, what are some good but cheap xbox 360 games to get 9-10 year olds?
They like legos, superheros and minecraft. It doesn't have to be any of those though. They keep asking me to get grand theft auto lol.