Man as far as the fire goes, I smelled smoke and was like "but I just dropped $700 though"I thought this lil convo was hilarious...
Damn, his house almost got burnt down? What does the coli think..
Its almost like if Meach was like "Yeah, whatever nikka what game you get tho"
Your new to it all. Just do what you always did and keep your cable remote where you usually do
Then use it for DVR (DVR will be compatible next year, they didn't specify if its sooner or later in the year)
And the sound is different, more clearer. So it uses a different proprietary pituitary gland of sound bruh.
The TV features... man, once you use it, and you get used to it? Game changer
Go thru all the tutorials, and realize you will have to go thru them again a few times before you get the system down.
How come it randomly records clips when I die in Battlefield, like little 15 second clips? Am I hitting a button by mistake?