If I'm understanding this correctly Ake is the first and only person to have a free consciousness without assistance.
While the original Bernard was trying build the perfect prototype for years the true awakening was organic. His original code was correct, but he was just looking in the wrong place.
This story makes it the 3rd awakening of a coded individual. Seems like the writers are trying to get across the point that every individual has their own path to enlightenment/the truth.
people are forgetting about the reveries. very first ep they are introduced.. it's also later told that benard is the one who invented them and that's the only reason Delores woke up
that's why it's so important that Ake never got killed. he still had one of the first OG codes... even before Benard died, that still had the reveries in it.. that's why they were so pissed he never got updated. by then it was too late, he was already woke
it's only certain robots that can wake up.. they all can kill... but some of them, even when told the truth about what westworld is, still stay in their loops
Ford (to Dolores): "Arnold had watched his son come into this world, and then he had watched that light extinguished. What he had lost in his son, he tried to rekindle in *you*. He created a test of empathy, imagination. A maze. He had gotten the idea from one of his son's toys. Eventually, *you* solved his maze, Dolores. The key was a simple update that he made to *you* called the reveries."
"There are past incarnations of their characters that are stored but the hosts just don’t have access to them – or aren’t
supposed to have access to them. The reveries work on a kind of subliminal level. What I think of them as – because I'm not a coder, Jonah is more into that world – for me it was imagining that consciousness and history are a deep sea and reveries are tiny fishhooks that you dip into it and get little gestures and subconscious ticks. The hosts don't consciously know where they're drawn from, but they're just there to add some nuance to their expressions and gestures. But dipping that fishhook in might prove to be a little .. fraught."