that Stubbs reveal really put me off man lmao
seemed a bit much.
seemed a bit much.
That he was loyal the Ford this whole time and didn't care that a host was leaving?that Stubbs reveal really put me off man lmao
seemed a bit much.
Wait, it shoots in a year? So it may not drop for 2 years?Season 3 not even shooting until next June, BS I doubt that I’ll remember to watch it. I won’t be a spring chicken anymore
2020Wait, it shoots in a year? So it may not drop for 2 years?
That he was loyal the Ford this whole time and didn't care that a host was leaving?
My general thoughts on the season finale are that it sadly sort of bumped down how I viewed this season. Eps 1-3 or 4 were okay and I really enjoyed the rest. This finale almost felt like a different show. It's almost like they knew everyone figured out season 1 so fast that they decided to throw everything at the wall with this one.
I think season 3 needs to get a really clear direction of where they're going and hopefully hone in on things a little bit. This finale was all over the fukking place, and the show is approaching Lost levels of going off the rails if it doesn't stabilize itself. That said, I really do enjoy it and for the most part I love it. I know I sound bipolar on this. The show gets a lot right but then has mis-steps at the same time.
And that post credit scene? I'm totally confused at that. Obviously William/MIB is a host in the post-credit scene, but was he a host during season 2? or no, and that experience was just his baseline?
Okay? You trying to tell others not to watch because you to old and forgetful?Season 3 not even shooting until next June, BS I doubt that I’ll remember to watch it. I won’t be a spring chicken anymore
I think season 1 the online community guessed the twists way too early like William =mib , so they wanted to switch it upThis x1000
It feels like they're just making season 2 hard to follow "just because" at the expense of tight storytelling. Season 1 was phenomenal and had us on the edges of our seats pealing the onion back. This season, not so much.
I think season 1 the online community guessed the twists way too early like William =mib , so they wanted to switch it up
Where you watching the show or just reading through this thread to come up with this? You didn’t see the security tell the 2 techs to get the hosts they think can be salvaged back online?I'm not a fan of the finale, mainly because I'm not interested in watching Dolores and black Dolores do whatever the hell they're out to do and since all the cooler cats are dead or in the "eden" world ford built this show is dead to me. I'm out.
This was a dope ass finale. Gotta watch again to get it all straightened out. There are a couple things I'm confused about