Neo. The Only. The One.
I'm seeing people slowly but surely turning on Meg on my timeline
It's happening
Guess she won't be in She Hulk season 2

It's happening

Guess she won't be in She Hulk season 2

i'm just tryna figure out why two men would beat on a woman if one of those men are armed. shyt is hella confusing...Yea it's an interesting call
A non shooter can have gsr on them if they are close to where a gun is has been fired...matches up with wha Kelsey initially told investigators
And it can get on the hands of a non shooter just by touching clothing or objects with gsr on it to skin contact
She talks with Meg's PR team so its going to have a spin.
This witness is actually terrible. He contradicts himself in his testimony.
Gawdts's will she answers my dm and i'm fukking her in a few months. i too have a dream. praise gawdt!I'm seeing people slowly but surely turning on Meg on my timeline
It's happening
Guess she won't be in She Hulk season 2
This the witness everyone who fukks with tory was hyped about????? LMAOOOOOO
again, this matters.witness said the gun was in Tory’s handRecovering it or not I’ve seen nikkas get booked for less.
You do realize Tory has lied multiple times as well?Yall ain't realize these women were out for themselves and willing to lie at the drop of a hat?
Lol this dummy left out the fact he said he saw Tory with a gun after he saw the woman shooting, then get beat up.
At this point a ban bet is in order for this poster, and posting tweets from that Meghan c*nt reporter needs to be treated as racist trolling, because she obviously misreporting hoping to get Tory lynched.
I'm watching the Milagro ig live, and her notes are far more extensive than that Cuniff person. The guy's entire testimony contradicts itself. He says the girls started fighting, then a girl fires a shot, and that's when Tory comes out of the car and they start beating on someone. He also says he never sees a gun. Then he goes onto say Tory started firing shots with his hands in the air.
It's too much, wait until someone else transcribes it.