Nkrumah Was Right
these Toronto podcasts are getting even worse
Any suggestions?
You listening to non expert podcasts in 2023?

I’m listening to Adam Tooze, Financial Times, the Economist, Jacobin
these Toronto podcasts are getting even worse
Any suggestions?
my friends landlord told them he's increasing the rent by 400 a month guess he renewed the mortgage andalot of people are going to be SOL
this is what y'all voted for Justin Trudeau
anotehr 500k immigrants coming to a city near you
Actually, it sounds like we need stringent rent control but your boy Doug Ford is in real estate’s pocket
moreso looking for any topic tbhYou listening to non expert podcasts in 2023?
I’m listening to Adam Tooze, Financial Times, the Economist, Jacobin
Is it mainly Indian immigrants like the posts I’ve been seeing on Instagram?
Not my kind of crowd
Not a dime in sight
In my school, no it isn't. The majority of students are from Turkey, Latin American, and East Africa, with a recent surge of Ukrainians. Depending on the location of a school obviously that would be different. I am sure in Brampton, you probably have many of that demographic attending the Hindu community schools.
In Toronto overall, the YMCA's data shows that for language classes the top countries for 2022-2023 were Ukraine, Turkey, Afghanistan, and China.
Obviously, the country of origin of students in language classes may not be indicative of the overall trends in the city or country regarding immigration.
Working in that setting, some of the processes that are in place are questionable. For example, to be eligible to take the citizenship exam a student only needs to have a language score in listening and speaking that is that of a high beginner. so very very simple sentences. However, it doesn't require anything of their reading score, despite the test being a reading test. Then they also allow people to complete the test online. Yes, they need to have a webcam on, but obviously it would be very easy to just duplicate the screen on two devices and have a relative feed me the answers as they do the test with me.
My students are great, I just feel like the way Canada is being presented to these newcomers is not representative of reality. They come here looking for a better life, but are not prepared for the cost of living. I met some young guys from Ethiopia last week while I had my students outside of the classroom that were refugees and only had temporary housing for a short time, there were living in a local park on the benches and had no information about any local agencies outside of the Ethiopian agency they were working with.
hilarious because I was thinking of going to Afro Fest but ended up drinking and falling asleep
didnt know it was still THIS mid![]()
loll i know im just dikkin aroundI love black people and being around black folks
Was just in Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya last month and I'm going back to Uganda September 1st
very true. Some of the festivals be like that tho too. Lotta hoes but also a lot of kidsI wouldn't use one video to make a judgement BUT you may have a point. Neither one of us would know.
But family events are usually........mid