Ontario landlord wants you to share a bed with a stranger for $550 a month rent
With Toronto area rent prices back to unconscionable highs after a short-lived stint of lockdown lows, the region has been seeing its fair share of h…

Ontario landlord wants you to share a bed with a stranger for $550 a month rent
With Toronto area rent prices back to unconscionable highs after a short-lived stint of lockdown lows, the region has been seeing its fair share of h…www.blogto.com
Ontario landlord wants you to share a bed with a stranger for $550 a month rent
With Toronto area rent prices back to unconscionable highs after a short-lived stint of lockdown lows, the region has been seeing its fair share of h…www.blogto.com
Ontario landlord wants you to share a bed with a stranger for $550 a month rent
With Toronto area rent prices back to unconscionable highs after a short-lived stint of lockdown lows, the region has been seeing its fair share of h…www.blogto.com
lol dude aint gonna have no phone anymore
dude brought so much heat on him and everyone in maplehurst with that video.
yup, lol any chance of an acquittal/not guilty verdict has gone completely out of the window....
anyone who saw that video along with the news broadcast is a potential juror
and because he's showing zero remorse along with being brazen & embarrassing the staff at Maplehurst, going on the run, wasting resources..etc.., I guarantee the judge gives him Paul Bernardo #'s.