the vaccine rollout is atrocious look at italy where its also bad and they had to lockdown again
they should be having vaccine clinics open 24/7. I mean the hospital is open 24/7 anyways, sometimes when you get an mri its for like 3am in the morning
I can't believe they pay people millions of dollars to blunder this
They did say earlier that clinics in would be 24/ April

All levels of government, every department in charge of this shyt has fukked up so badly. It's hard to fathom a dumber group of people in charge. At least the dumbasses down south decided to ramp up manufacturing. What did Canada do? NOTHING

Medicago is the Canadian vaccine with GSK, and they JUST started Phase 3 trials. The "Canadian" vaccine won't be out til 2023

And as soon as I say this about the AstraZeneca I find this...
AstraZeneca has some really shyt PR, that's for sure. I saw them looking for a new PR director on Indeed the other day